Winners Writing Course - Lesson 4

in Freewriters2 days ago (edited)

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Dear Reader,

In Lesson 4 of #wewrite, we paid attention to stories (crime and fable), commenting, and a short film review. Like in the lessons before we were present in different communities. Unfortunately, only 6 participants wrote a review about a short film (video) and 2 out of 6 did all three tasks. Twelve participants are good for amazing stories and reviews worth your time reading and I would say follow them.

Results of the tasks

Task 1 - Crime Story

  • The 550 wordcount plus prompt by @freewritehouse was not always followed/used
  • Points were given for commenting and engagement
  • Problems noticed: not reading the task, following the rules, use of hashtags, upvoting

Task 2 - Fable

  • Good fables, some remarkable and two not really fables but still good reads
  • Points were given for commenting and engaging as well
  • Problems are the same as mentioned above (see Task 1)

Task 3 - Short Film Review

  • The word "short" is missed by 2/3 of the participants
  • The average review was good
  • Like and dislike was mentioned (storyline, producers, and so on)
  • Points are given for commenting +engagement
  • Problems are the same as mentioned above (see Task 1)

The Winners

The winners were calculated by adding up the points obtained in tasks 1, 2 and 3 plus points for commenting and engagement.

#1 @joslud - 33.5 points

The crime story is remarkable and a review is written about a short film.

Have you seen God yet? His portrait has already appeared | [es-en]

#2 @liasteem - 32 points

A good crime story. Her "fable" can make a good story for children. An Indonesian short film is shared. She made a great effort in commenting and engaging.

Short Film Review - Adit, Sopo & Jarwo

#3 @saintkelvin17 - 32 points

The film reviewed wasn't a short film but he was the only one who started with the name of the sports movie, director and so on. Extra points he received by leaving good comments and engagement.

Hustle - Basketball Movie Review

#3 @marito74 - 32 points

Let us be the detective, wrote a fable with a moral (or not), commented, replied and reviewed Forest Gump which isn't a short film.

A classic. Forrest Gump

#5 @solperez - 28.5 points

Her fable is remarkable and touching. She did not write a review about a short film and what she wrote was way more than just a review...

On the other side of the sky: Does faith involve sacrifices?


Por fin logré terminar mis tres tareas. En este curso he tenido una participación muy intermitente. Pero he aprendido mucho. La experiencia ha sido enriquecedora. Pudiera hablar de un "antes y un después" de este taller, que han representado cambios en mí:

1.- Olvidarme de saludos, e iniciar los textos con frases que "enganchen" al lector.

2.- Escribir "a chorro" con un reloj y luego trabajar lo escrito.

3.- Leer instrucciones, tratar de comprenderlas y acogerlas.

4.- Utilizar las etiquetas apropiadas, ya que es una forma de ubicar las tareas.

5.- Leer y comentar. Me gusta mucho la estrategia de hacerme las preguntas: ¿Qué veo? ¿Qué siento? y ¿Qué puedo preguntar al escritor? para establecer diálogo con él

Finalmente, agradezco a @inspiracion, @wakeupkitty y @yancar por realizar un trabajo tan valioso como este.

Felicidades a @joslud, @marito74, @liasteem y @saintkelvin.

#wewrite & #comment

Congratulations to you too dear... I had a lot of fun and had a lot of enlightenment here, I hope to continue learning and learning more... 🤓

El aprendizaje es un alimento para el alma.

 2 days ago 

Congratulations to you dear friend and thank you for sharing what you noticed/learned.
A great day and lots of writing fun on Steemit.


Hola 😀 un gusto amiga,seguimos adelante.

Así es, cariño.

Thank you for this valuable opportunity, this is something where I can learn a lot, like "something that sinks at the bottom of the pool finally comes to the surface". There are many things I learned and I am very happy to be able to participate and meet great writers, congratulations to all of us... 🤗😊🤩🌼


It is good to have you and read your enthusiasm. There's always something to learn if we read others. Not liking content is helpful as well because we can ask: What is it I don't like? What can be done to make it better? If the answer is unknown we can find it in what others write. What also helps is finding your niche. Whatever it is it will show in your content.

Congratulations and if you write let it rest, reread and dare to edit (the worst and most time consuming of all).

#wewrite & #comment

Hi 🤗 what a great news to start the week,thank you very much.Congratulations colleagues,another week full of challenges to enjoy,hugs to all .

Hola 🤗Una estupenda noticia para iniciar la semana,felicitaciones compañeros. Otra semana de retos que disfrutar,un abrazo para todos.

 2 days ago 

A great, creative week to you!


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