Calories, health, badly smelling restaurants

in CCC2 years ago

Overweight, those calories are not only caused by unhealthy eating habits, bad meals, excessive eating. Medication, chemicals in your food cause overweight too. You can count calories but even if your intake is not even 500 a day your weight loss is zero.

For years, I was stuffed with drugs. Medications that did my health no good. My only luck may have been that I don't love them and forget them easily. My body doesn't seem to respond to them either. Paracetamol, ibuprofen, and aspirin with or without caffeine do not help. So I don't take that. The point of taking a pill is not there if a headache or other pain remains. Still, I took prednisone and anti-hay fever drugs for many years. Drugs that do considerable damage and were a substitute for 1 pill with a high dose of vitamin C that was taken off the market. I could then swallow 2 for that, which together did not work half as well. I suffered considerable side effects and damage from that. Nevertheless, I stopped taking it overnight. If 900 pills don't work then the next 300 won't work either.
Despite what doctors, specialists said, I am still alive. My kidneys, adrenals, and liver are not damaged and my body just makes the necessary hormones something the specialists said would be impossible.
Those specialists are not right. Of course, I could have known that. I know doctors get paid to peddle certain drugs. Doctors get a lot of money for this just like they got it for every prick they take. Sick, nauseous, and infertile have now been injected for 5 generations by doctors who are quick to call other healers quacks. Did you know that a cure for cancer was found 42 years back and Big Pharma stopped it. Both doctors and cured patients were made to suffer. Now that Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J have killed so many and made them deathly ill, they come up with different shots that are good for cancer, heart attacks (sudden death), and, of course, the combo shot for everything that causes influenza-influenza-c19-c23.
Being in charge of your own body means taking responsibility for your own health. No matter what a doctor says but usually the majority of patients decide to take their own pills and queue up for a jab. Of course, we let ourselves be fooled and fear reigns supreme especially when we think we are losing something or are cornered but still it is our own fault. Eigen schuld, dikke bult is a Dutch saying. Little children often say that and then stick out their tongues. And so it is my fault.
I bear the consequences of taking my pills, believing or at least hoping that it does work. The truth is that much of what ails us also goes away by itself.

I'm glad I didn't have every prick or take every doctor's advice. Those doctors were all wrong. I have been a guinea pig long enough and growing up in a family of medics I know the tricks, the lies, and the money involved in this world. Doctors will say I am a difficult patient, one who asks questions and does not see the doctor as special or holy.
Really only one doctor did anything for me in my childhood and that had more to do with putting me at ease, asking questions than keeping my medicine cabinet restocked.
Once I had to inoculate myself, I often didn't. The ointment made me sick. While at grandma's I bravely took the spoonful of cod liver oil, I refused to take honey and certain pills. I saw how simple effective medicines were banned and replaced by swallowing several pills with worse effects. I saw how, over the years, more and more medicines were prescribed by the same manufacturer. Many brands disappeared.

Throughout my life, I did stop taking medicines or did not pick up the voice prescription, or never used it. More than once I took medication that made me deathly ill and never finished the course of treatment. Doctors have not been interested in their patients for years, they do not work full-time and their knowledge about diseases and medicines is declining every year. Doctors, like many hospitals, will soon be eliminated. I think that's a good thing. As human beings, we have to learn again that an immune system is the first medicine, next to sleeping, drinking water, eating healthy, and living a regular life. This has nothing to do with quackery but with common sense. The power of positive thinking is also underestimated. If you can't think positively, don't be scared. Ignorance is bliss!
Regularity gives peace and less stress. Stress requires a lot of vitamins and minerals. Incidentally, medication also ensures that these can be poorly absorbed by the body.
Pills also ensure that the necessary building materials for the body are difficult to absorb and medication causes poisoning and obesity!
My battle against excess weight is over although I still carry the side effects of prednisone. At least I never have to count calories again. I will never get fat again. I hardly have to eat anymore, my combustion is higher and my intestinal system is no longer standing still.
The toxins stored in the body fat disappear and that too is definitely a plus of a drug-free life.
I have now been living off medication for two years (or is it more). I can eat what I want, I move more easily, the years of cramps and rheumatic problems are much less.
I try to drink a lot of water to get toxins out of my body. If I feel nauseous I also drink water. My immune system is calmer. I don't feel it going crazy anymore. At the moment I also feel less dehydrated than a year ago and I suffer less from allergies.
For those wondering: I cook on gas, my oven works on gas, and even leaks gas at times, but I don't suffer from asthma and never will.
Coming back to the meds and jabs (vaccinations): although I have been beaten a lot, attacked by dogs, had stiff arms and legs from bites for weeks, ripped my legs open on car doors, rakes and falls, stepped in nails, etc., been buried under broken glass and beaten up more than once I have never in my life ever had any medication for this or a tetanus shot.

Although I regret taking pills for a lifetime, I am glad that I never smoked, drank, used drugs and stayed away of fast food restaurants, badly smelling restaurants, bars and badly prepared food as much as possible and prepare my own food. I never let myself be tempted to take a tetanus shot, the swine flu shot (also a Fauci hoax), and trusted the C19 madness. I can simply not take the risk to join medical experiments.
Letting myself get sick, giving my immune system extra work doesn't make sense to me. As the down-to-earth Dutchman says "I'd rather die in a normal way".

burned food is unhealthy!

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