The improvements of loop holes of Mini-research Contest |@bhaiaslam|01-02-2024|Teachers & Students|

in Teachers & Students27 days ago (edited)


I hope that you all will be well with the grace of Allah Almighty. I posted my entry in Teachers & Students community and I scored excellent marks for that blog. But, I mentioned some of the problems that I faced during the creation of that blog. I also mentioned that I would try my best the make the loopholes that were noticed in my students and I will try my best to do this job. My trying is ready here to share with you.

Make up for non-serious behavior

The major problem I faced was non-serious behavior. This is a problem not only for this contest but also a problem for their educational life and if it is not solved it will surely move them toward destruction. So, I made a plan to improve this issue.

  • Suggestion to practice at homes
I suggested they practice at their homes by standing in front of a mirror so that they can notice their expressions and can easily lose points in their communication and in their ability to perform words. Moreover, I suggested that they must be serious in their lives. I asked a question why they are studying? All replied to get a chance to serve the country and make their position in society on different designations for service. I replied to them that all the dreams are related to your seriousness in behavior. I joined the relation of this debate with their dreams in such a way that all the public of private sectors and even colleges and universities in Pakistan take interviews besides marks. If they want to take a good position they must have passed the bridge of confidence and therefore they must make a good effort to build communication skills. In this way, I tried to build a sense of creating serious behavior in them.

a young boy looking happy in the mirror. png

Source: Co-pilot AI Software

Make up for Data analysis

I introduced them to the different ways of research that are listed below. I also introduced them to the meaning of the survey and its importance. Moreover, I introduced each research method that I know in detail so that next time during the research analysis, they could collect only productive data with the help of research methodology.

a boy learning research methods.png

Source: Co-pilot AI Software

Methods of Research

  • Experimental research
  • Survey methodology
  • Qualitative research
  • Descriptive research
  • Quantitative research
  • Applied research
  • Basic research
  • Cross-sectional research
  • Correlational research
  • Case studies
  • Exploratory research
  • Mixed methods
  • Action research

An Important Note:

So, this is the end of this blog. It was just created to highlight our team's steps and activities regarding the Week 5 contest and the improvements we made. I hope that you will share your feedback. The most important purpose is that I join the Teachers & Students community as a verified member. My club status is club5050, and I will try my best to share something better in a whole week as a daily blogger, something related to teaching something new.

The original post is here.



 26 days ago 

Thank you very much for publishing your post in Teachers and Students community

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@ myteacher


Improvements only need to be made when you are carrying out learning activities with students, hopefully you can continue to be a good teacher.

 26 days ago 

Thank you very much for your feedback. I will try my best to follow your advice.