He who always thinks of the good for others

in Teachers & Studentsyesterday (edited)


Muhammad, I put that name on the front of my three sons' names, not without reason or just following the trend, it is a symbol of the Prophet's role model, which I would like to illustrate in the following stories:

A bowl of grapes

One time a poor man came to see the Prophet Muhammad SAW and brought a gift for him a bowl of grapes, he ate every grain to the end without losing the smile on his face.

The companions who were around him were astonished, the Prophet Muhammad SAW usually always shared whatever he got with the people around him, this time it was not so, he enjoyed it himself, what's wrong?

Behind it the poor man was very excited to see the gift he brought was spent by the Prophet himself, he considered it a sign that the Prophet liked the gift from him, so he said goodbye to the Prophet.

One of the companions then asked, "O Messenger of Allah, why don't you invite us to eat the wine with you?"

The Prophet smiled and said: "Don't you see how happy he is with the bowl (of grapes)? Knowing that it is sour, I am afraid that if I share it with you, you will show a reaction that will spoil his happiness".

Love for his people

Fatimah saw a guest in front of the house, then conveyed it to the Prophet Muhammad who was in a high fever. The Prophet looked at his beloved daughter with an electrifying gaze, he said, "O my daughter, know that the person you see is the one who ends the momentary pleasure. He who separates meetings in the world, he is the Angel Izrail." Hearing that, Fatimah could not hold back her tears.

Then, Archangel Izrail and Archangel Gabriel met the Prophet Muhammad, and the Prophet asked, "O Gabriel, tell me what is my right before Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala?"

Archangel Gabriel replied, "O Messenger of Allah, the doors of heaven will be open and the angels are waiting for you there. All the gates of heaven are wide open waiting for your arrival."

Despite hearing the good news from Archangel Gabriel, Prophet Muhammad SAW still looked anxious, so Archangel Gabriel asked, "Why are you still anxious like that? Are you not happy to hear this news, O Messenger of Allah?"

The Prophet Muhammad again asked, "Tell me, what will be the fate of my people in the future?"

Angel Gabriel replied, "Do not worry about the fate of your people, O Messenger of Allah. I heard Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala say to me: ""I have forbidden paradise for other than the Ummah of Muhammad, only your Ummah is entitled to
enter it""

Not quite there, the Prophet's anxiety continued when he felt the pain of death, the Prophet Muhammad still had time to pray for the safety of his people. "O Allah, how terrible is this death. Just inflict all the punishment of death on me. Do not (inflict) it on my people"

Feeding a blind beggar

There was a blind beggar in the corner of the marketplace of Medina. The Jewish beggar was disgusted and disgusted when he heard people mention the name Muhammad. In fact, he accused the Prophet Muhammad of being a sorcerer and a big liar. The beggar often said that anyone should be wary of a figure named Muhammad.

The Prophet Muhammad had no hatred or resentment towards him. He just smiled and was always gentle with him. The Prophet was also willing to take the time every morning to feed the blind beggar.

The habit continued, and the beggar did not know that the one who fed him food every day was the Prophet Muhammad, the person he hated.

Arriving there, Abu Bakr was asked by the beggar, "Who are you?". Abu Bakr replied, "I am an ordinary person".

The beggar said again, "No. You are not. Surely you are not the one who usually comes to me. When he comes, no need for this hand to hold and no need for this mouth to chew. The person who usually comes to me always feeds me. And, he first mashed the food, then he gave it to me".

Hearing the beggar's words, Abu Bakr wept and said, "I am not the one who used to come to you. I was one of his companions. That noble person has passed away. He was the Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah".

The noble one Muhammad SAW have carved out stories of pure sincerity, can we follow that straight path?


Image Source: Pixabay


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Thanks @scilwa


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Good post here should be . . .

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Terimakasih untuk dukungannya Pak @heriadi 🙏🏼


Thank you very much for publishing your post in Teachers and Students community

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@ myteacher


Anda telah berbagi kisah keteladanan Nabi Muhammad yang patut menjadi contoh dan teladan bagi seluruh umat manusia, seluruh cerita yang anda bagikan patut untuk diambil pelajaran dan diimplementasikan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari.

Selain itu, saya merasa sangat gembira karena peringatan hari kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW tahun ini jatuh di hari ulangtahunku yang 28. 😅

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