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RE: SteemAlive Presents ReandNWrite Contest|| Learn How I Prepared The Most Economical Palm Oiled Fried Jollof Rice.
To be economical is now a skill else, you will find out that it's only the fittest that will survive especially here in Nigeria
Checking the rules
Criteria | Rating |
Club | 5050 |
Plagiarism-free | ✔️ |
SteemExclusive | ✔️ |
Bot-free | ✔️ |
Checking Post Quality
Criteria | Rating |
Compliance with Topic | 1.5/2.5 |
Use of Markdown | 1/2.5 |
Spelling and Grammar | 2/2.5 |
Content Depth | 1.5/2.5 |
Total | 8 |
Yeah and it's through being flexible to adapt that the fittest will survive.