Rafael Urdaneta Square

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


Saludos compañeros y amigos, en este día Martes bajo el sol de la mañana, les comparto un mome to de en la Plaza Rafael Urdaneta, también un parque, desde Maracaibo/ Zulia/ Venezuela, ubicado en la Av. Padilla, Casco Central, tengo el grato honor de compartir estos grandes momentos históGreetings comrades and friends, on this Tuesday day under the morning sun, I share with you a mome to in the Plaza Rafael Urdaneta, also a park, from Maracaibo/ Zulia/ Venezuela, located in Padilla Avenue, Casco Central, I have the great honor to share these great historical moments of the land of the beloved sun, for the rest of the world, as it symbolizes a historical moment in the history and culture of Venezuela. A great historical fact reader friend about this context is the following, July 10, 1888, the governor of Zulia, Dr. Alejandro Andrade, ordered the construction of a square dedicated to General in Chief Rafael Urdaneta, to think to think of the adversity in which we live today, this historical monument is still talked about.


What a beautiful detail this square has to think of its monuments, it's its large was te that give that essence of life and exclusive to this square and park that can still be shared with family when it is the most ideal time.


This square symbolizes all the moments of this valuable General Urdaneta, was a protagonist in numerous military actions, among which are the Battle of Barbula in 1813, the retreat to the East in 1814, the Siege of Santafe de Bogota in 1814, the capture of Maracaibo in 1821 and the march to San Carlos, prior to the Battle of Carabobo, all this time represents this beautiful square.







It is good to travel and share these moments in these spaces, how beautiful Maracaibo is from Zulia and from Venezuela to the rest of the world.


Here is a sample of the weather that has not yet increased the heat of this beloved land.

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