SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W5) by @richy20 about how mobile phone improve our modes of communication

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



I hello friends how are you all doing i hope all are moving fine and great am here to discuss on the Topic : Technology in our lives - how mobile phones changed how we communicate this will be so so interesting and I promise that after this discussion that you all will have alot to learnt and also this will impact mire knowledge to you all

In what ways did people communicate before the invention of telephone? How has mobile phones enhanced communication?

there was so much difficulty before the invention of telephone in The olden days people find it difficult to communicate with each other and it is too costly to there are many ways people communicate before the invention of telephone. our forefathers really suffer before communicating with one another and I was also costly the only means of communication then was through

    post office is where letters are written to someone far away from you and then also help to send and receive messages this was the only means of communicating then and it was really slow and It might stay a long period of time before it reaches the receiver and also get back to the sender also this was so so costly at then and people find it difficult to communicate due to the cost
    our fore father really suffered and also some even die through this means for example then if you are in aba and you want to send messages to another person living in Lagos you must have to trick from aba to lagos and this was too dangerous and deathly our fore father really suffered and the means of communication then was so so deficuit and slow

How has mobile phones enhanced communication

really Mobile phone has made communication more easier and faster and it was made communication to be reliable and trustworthy this includes how mobile phone ehanced communication they include

  • it has made communication more easier and faster
  • it has made and help in the enhancing locations sharing more important things with friends easily and also navigator
  • it has made people reach many far away friend from different far away contry easier and faster
  • it has improved the ways of communicating with one another
  • it has reduced stress when communicating with other
  • it has improved the standard of our living and also make communication more standard
  • it has reduced delay and time consuming with communication with others
  • it has made less expensive when you want to communicate with friend far away and near

What type of mobile phone do you use (include picture of your phone)

![20220811_082258.jpg](UPLOAD FAILED)

yeah the name of my phone is infinixHOT 8LITE I love their products very very well and all the are good when it come to phone upgrade and also in terms of strong and lasting battery they are also good in network provision and they product are good strong and effective I love it so much

What are its features and its estimated value in Steem?


indeed their products are the best for me take a lot at it you will know that they are really trying to figure out the best from them which includes

  • phone version ]=8.1.0
  • phone model name ]=INFINIX HOT 8LITE
  • phone ram ]= 2gig ram
  • phone battery ]= 5000mhn
  • phone space ]= 32gig
    and many more the are really trying to be the best

what type of mobile phone will you choose?

if am told to choose another type of mobile phone I will first of all think wisely and also the brand I will chosse is no other phone then

    this are the two phone that I will love to choose I really love the both

What negative things do people do with mobile phones?

there are many bad things people do with Mobile phone especially our youth of nowadays the have really have bad things using phone

  • internet frauds known as YAHOO YAHOO
    this is commonly done by our youth
  • watching of PHONOGRAPH


I hope you all learnt a lot from this see you all at my next entry I will love to invite @deben @chukwu10 @samuel20 to join us in this contest see you all at my next entry I love you all
note 10payout to @steemalive

 2 years ago 

it has made communication more easier and faster

yes you are right modern technology has changed the world and also change the system of communicating, you can now communicate with any body at any time with your phone.

 2 years ago (edited)

In fact mobile mobile phone is now an office for millions nof people today. Without phone i wouldn't have know whom you are let alone Communicating with you through Writing.

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 2 years ago (edited)

hello ma is there any problem do you know who you are taking to @richy20 not @morhan76

 2 years ago 

Sorry i missed the name is @rich20, please check my comment and do what I ask you to do please.

 2 years ago 

okay now I understand thanks do much I have edited it thanks i really appreciate

 2 years ago 

Okay, will check it again, thank you for your understanding.

 2 years ago 

thank you ma

Have you supported all4one this week? Its part of the contest rules @richy20

 2 years ago 

no but I soon do it thanks for remembering this to me I all most forgot it I really appreciate

Alright. Looking forward to that. Use all4one as your first tag

 2 years ago 

okay no problem I will do that so so soon

infinixHOT 8LITE is one of the best device by Infinix company Mobile phones have become an important part of our lives. They have changed the way we communicate and the way we socialize. They have made it easier for us to stay in touch with friends and family, and they have even made it easier for us to get around. #4Times7

 2 years ago 

yeah hot8lite is really a smart phone thanks friend I really appreciate thanks for going through my post

 2 years ago 

The invention of phones has made so many things good because information can now fly around within seconds, but the negative influence of it is something to be looked into, so many families together don't communicate at home because everyone is busy with their phones.

Mobile phones are really beneficial. They have brought a lot of convenience to our lives and have allowed us to stay connected with each other. Unfortunately, youths of our day now misuse the mobile phone a lot.

 2 years ago 

yeah that's true friend thanks for going through my post friend

 2 years ago 

yes that this true ma I really love your comments thanks for going through my post

The mobile phone is really beneficial.
Unfortunately youths of our day now misuse the mobile phone as you stated.

internet frauds known as YAHOO YAHOO

Not only that, they are making it seem like normal.
This is really affecting the society.

Well done for the quality post @richy20

 2 years ago 

😂😂🤣🤣those people have really killed us scam everywhere thanks for going through my post I really appreciate

It is very easy to get addicted to the mobile phone, as it is one of the most accessible forms of entertainment. It is important to use your mobile phone responsibly and not spend too much time on it.

 2 years ago 

Hahaha,you have just given internet frud it's best name of all time as yahoo yahoo.

The invention of technology in phones are really good in a part and in others they are bad.

Thank you for this nice post @richy20


 2 years ago 

that true @ogwo you have really tried okay thanks so much

 2 years ago 

Your choice of phone which is Iphone promax is also my dream phone. Lets plan towards it dear.

 2 years ago 

wow okay friend I move together thanks for going through my post I really appreciate

I quite agree that introduction of smart phone, GSM phone as we Call it has changed our lives in a lot ways especially the way we communicate. Before now it was analogue phone and few well to do individuals owned them. There was a time there was no phone at all. Yes in history people did treck or run to deliver messages as was done by Phidippides, the fastest runner. Smart phones have made communication quite convinient. It is handy, with it one can do his research, market his products, search for job and do his blogging. What we do today with phone was unimaginable in the days gone by. Smart phones have gone beyond being used just for passing messages. I see it as the best achievement that the government of Nigeria has ever made since 1999. Even our mothers own GSM and communicate from the farms
Thank you. Keep trying.
It is good to have good quality phones to be able to perform your task faster . I must say that this post has quality. Keep trying. Thank you.

 2 years ago 

friend all you said is true you have done well by all you said and I really appreciate this thanks so much

The mobile phone is really beneficial. Unfortunately youths of our day now misuse the mobile phone a lot. This includes people who text while driving, talking on the phone while doing something else, and constantly checking their phones. It's important to remember that the mobile phone is a tool and should be used to benefit yourself and others, not just yourself.

 2 years ago 

internet frauds known as YAHOO YAHOO

Omor ehhnnn, EFCC don tire for this people as they keep increasing day by day
We need to make good use of our phones and not the other way round

 2 years ago 

yeah that's true friend I conco with what you said thanks alot

In the old days, people used to write letters to communicate with each other. Those days are gone. Nowadays, people communicate with each other through their phones.

 2 years ago 

Just the way a Nigerian girl is communicating with a Pakistan guy🤣

No its wrong statement you should write Just the way a precious Nigerian girl communicating with a handsome Pakistani guy 😃😃😃

 2 years ago 

you people are funny

 2 years ago 

@afshaan is seriously looking for my trouble
@richy20 you better warn him for me ooo😁

 2 years ago 

yeah that's true thanks for going through my post I really appreciate friend keep it up

 2 years ago 

Although this yahoo rate is increasing not because they enjoy doing it but because the rate of employment opportunities is reducing

 2 years ago 

Yeah, when there's no work for our teeming population, many have no choice than to engage in some unwholesome activities

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