in SteemAlive4 years ago (edited)

As Christians, there are a few celebrations we Mark at intervals e.g Christmas and Easter etc.


Amongst all of them, Easter is the most beneficial to a Christians' salvation .
This is because, if Christ had not died, there wouldn't be hope for eternity for us Christians.
Because His death purged us of all our sins and by rising from the Dead, we rise from sin to righteousness, from hatred to love, from ungodliness to Godliness (1 Cor 15:17)

No matter the conspiracy and propaganda by the persecutors, soldiers and the chief priests to deny and relegate the resurrection of Jesus, yet even the big stone at the grave couldn’t hold him captive, for even in the grave Jesus is Lord.
Dear friends today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. (John 20:1)

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To those who think they can distort the truth, people like the rulers of Jerusalem who gave the soldiers a large sum of money” to circulate the story that Jesus’ disciples stole his body (Matthew 28:11-15),
the light, star or destiny of another person, Jesus is saying today, rise from evil and do good. You may try evil plans and even bribe people to cover up the truth but remember, with God nothing can withhold us from shining, rising and achieving our own resurrection in all spheres of life.

Lord, thank you for saving me and may I rise from evil to do good from now henceforth through your grace, for the grave could not hold you captive, for even in the grave, Jesus is Lord. Amen!.


"And he said unto them, be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: He is risen; He is not here: behold, where they laid him.
But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see Him as He said unto you"
(Mark 16:6&7)
Happy Easter to You All Dear Friends.






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 4 years ago (edited)

@revjohno , Ok sir.
I will edit with the references ASAP.
Thank you Sir for the tender way you corrected me.

Happy Easter to you!

@I-am-the-best thank you

@uzoma24 thank you for sharing the word
with us..and enlightening us about the death of christ

@nikoyana thank You

@nikoyanaThank You Sir. Am happy you appreciated it

I like your take on the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
A wonderful write up by the way.

@theopportunity . Thank you. Happy Easter

Happy Easter brother.
I love your humility.

@exceptional20 Best wishes

Happy easter

@oyaks beat wishes

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Happy Easter

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