Drug Abuse

in SteemAlive3 years ago

Hello steem world
Today I will be writing on drug abuse. As we all know drug abuse is a social problem that can cause crime and problem in a particular society. l will be talking about the meaning of drug abuse, causes of drug abuse and how to prevent drug abuse .

Meaning of Drugs


Drugs are substance(liquid, tablet, ointments etc) we take into our body when we are sick so as to get well it They cure diseases and illnesses that affects the body.

We can also defined drugs as an illegal substance that some people smoke, inject for physical and mental effect. This definition of drugs brings us to the topic:

Drug Abuse


Drug abuse can be defined as the misuse of,or overindulgence in drugs. It can also be said that drug abuse is the use of drugs in such a way that is dangerous to the body. When we use more than the amount of drugs the doctor prescribed by the doctor it is called drugs abuse.

Apart from the normal misuse of drugs we know, there are other drugs that some people use. Drugs like Indian hemp, Heroin, Cocaine etc, this drugs are known as "Hard drugs". People who abuse this kind of drugs react badly, i.e they partake in criminal activities like robbering, killing. They are called drug addicts.

Causes Of Drug Abuse

They are different causes/reasons why people abuse drugs .They are discussed below:

  1. Frustration: some people abuse drugs when they are frustrated in order to make themeselve happy and forget their worries.
  2. Influence of peer group:Many people abuse drugs because of the kind of friends they keep. Like the popular saying; "Evil communication corrupt good manners".
  3. Stimulation:Many people abuse drugs because they want to do what they would not have been able to do ordinarily.
  4. Wrong information: Many people abuse drugs because someone told them that they will feel good after taking them.

How To Prevent Drug Abuse

We can control or prevent drug abuse if we carry out the following measures. They are:

  1. Don't take drugs without doctor recommendation.
  2. Avoid bad commpany.
  3. Government should creat medium to educate youth on the dangers of drug abuse.
  4. Drug should be kept out of children reach.

I think with these measures drug abuse can be Controlled.
Thanks for reading through my post.

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