Betterlife, The Diarygame, (02 April 2024) | Please Pray🙏

in Steem For Ladies2 months ago


Hello all my friends wherever you are, I hope you are always healthy.
Today, as usual, I am grateful that I can still enjoy the day.

That day was Tuesday, I woke up a little late because I was disturbed by loud noises from outside. My husband is cleaning the yard and cutting banana trees whose fruit is ready to be processed into chips. These chips will later become a snack.


I still have the remaining bananas to peel and make chips

Because I promised my husband I would peel it straight away, why? So, before this banana tree was ripe, 2 weeks ago the other banana tree was cut and I peeled it 2 days later. Then I peeled about 6 rows of bananas and left about 6 rows left, and my sister-in-law would fry them. However, there was a big problem at my mother's house and I had to return to my hometown immediately. However, when I returned the next day from the village, all the bananas had turned yellow and my sister-in-law and I only got a few banana chips. Because of that, I didn't wait until tomorrow to make banana chips this time.


I have peeled and washed the banana, but the water is still black

I started peeling bananas from half past twelve until half past noon. This is because there are several other things that I can't explain so I can do it. I was surprised, when I put it in water, the color immediately turned black. Why? Then I changed the water 3 times and it was still black. I was surprised but I continued my work this time.

While waiting for my husband to bring home the keeipik making tools from my in-laws' house, I took a break while playing with Hamzah. I also didn't cook today because my mother-in-law had already prepared it for us. An hour had passed, I woke up but my husband had not yet come home, until around 17.45 my husband arrived, but because I was going to break the fast, I intended to fry the chips after Maghrib prayer.

At 17.55, very surprising news came, my cell phone rang and it turned out that my sister who worked in Batam called and said that our father had had an accident and was being taken to hospital. I was shocked, and immediately called my brother. He immediately left Lhoksukon for the hospital, usually it takes 1.5 hours to arrive, but in just 30 minutes he arrived.


nerve scan results that I got from my brother before surgery

Because I had to take care of my three children, we finally left after breaking the fast and left the children with my mother-in-law. I thought it wasn't serious and was just an injury. On the way, I was called by people closest to me who had arrived at the hospital, because it took me 1 hour to arrive.

When I was about to arrive, my mother's sister called and told me to come as soon as possible while crying, none of them told me how my father was. When I arrived at the ICU, I was shocked, my heart seemed to be in turmoil and I couldn't accept it, my father was dying, he was vomiting blood from his mouth, mouth and ears. I can only offer tears and prayers.

The doctor arrived, dad had to have a Sitiscan and neurosurgery as soon as possible. The hospital in this city does not have it and must be immediately referred to a large hospital in the big city of Banda Aceh. We immediately agreed and at half past one in the evening Dad finally left. I want to come, but I have a baby child. This is where I felt that I couldn't take care of my father like he had taken care of me all this time and all the memories of my father's only little daughter came flooding back, hoping it wouldn't stop now.

To my beloved and beloved friends, who know and don't know me on Steemit, I apologize for my mistakes and I also ask that all friends pray for the recovery of my father who is still struggling in his coma. Thank you all for your kindness. He is my first love, and I am trying to be able to visit him soon too.

From your friend


Where there is a Will there is a Way

Greeting friends!



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Very sad to hear about your father's accident. I pray to God that your father gets well as soon as possible and remains safe and happy with you all.
God bless you .

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available. Vote here

Thanks for your wishes...
Good luck for you too... 😇

 2 months ago 

b> Congratulations!
Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote.
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"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated. If approved, you will receive an upvote within the next few days."

Good luck!

Thank you so much @steemladies .... Always in success❤

 2 months ago 


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