SEC - S13W5 / How Can Alcohol Cause Damage To Your Health

in Healthy Steem7 months ago (edited)

25% to @null

Hello friends, I'm glad to be participating in this contest today.

The issue of alcohol and alcoholism is one very common in my country, Nigeria and many other countries in this our present time.

Can We Say That A Person Is Alcoholic, Give Reasons For Your Answer?

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A person is considered am alcoholic when they have the character of excessive alcohol consumption to the point of addiction. An alcoholic is someone who has the uncontrollable urge to consume excessive amount of alcohol to a drunk state. They cannot stop even after noticing negative consequences and side effects.

Most alcoholic see the consumption of alcohol as a way to relax, ease off, depression and frustration of life. They often use it to forget their sorrows and problems.

Do You Think Alcohol Is A Drug, Justify
Your Answer?



Chemically, a drug is a substance that when taken, cause a psychological and physiological effects to the consumer. With this definition, alcohol can be said to be a drug because it cause psychological and physiological changes in the consumer's body.

Alcohol is specifically a Central Nervous System depressants. The psychological effects of alcohol include; It can cause changes in mood, behaviour, release of happiness hormone, trigger adrenaline release, it can cause impared judgment, memory impairment and anxiety/stress

The physiological effects of alcohol include health effects like liver and kidney damage, increase of health issues, irritation of digestive system, dehydration and weakening of immune system

Can Alcoholism Be Considered A Disease. How To Control It?

The issue of alcoholism being a disease is biased. Some view it as a medical/ genetic and environmental factors. But generally, alcoholism is a behaviour issue. Medically, it is called Acoholic Use Disorder (AUD)

Controlling alcoholism is not a one- day journey. It first begin by self determination of the alcoholic. It can further be controlled by therapy and joining a support group.

Is Every Drinker an Alcoholic?



No, not every drinker is an alcoholic, but every alcohol is a drinker

Not every one who drinks Alcohol is addicted to its consumption. A drinker will only become an alcoholic when he is addicted and controlled by the substance

Thank you for your engagements

I invite my friends @josepha @chant @ngoenyi to participate in this amazing contest

 7 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

It's very sad to know that so many people are engaging in alcoholism especially in our continent Africa, we need a revival of minds for both the young and old persons.

Thanks for the insight to your presentation, it was very educative.

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