"Wk 12 : The Diary Game and Your Health | 06-02-2024 | My Healthy Day”

in Healthy Steem8 months ago

✨Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim✨

Starting With Greeting And Respect,
I'm @jebanikajeba, From Bangladesh.

Assalamu Alaikum Dear All Steemians in the “Healthy Steem” Community, I hope that everyone is healthy and fit by the grace of the Almighty. Alhamdulillah I am healthy and fit by the grace of Allah and your prayers. I'll start my diary game with the Health facts about me. I'm Thankful to Dear @aaliarubab, for announcing the Dairy game contest about Health. And I'm always Excited to take part in contests like this.


✨My Healthy Morning Activities✨

Every morning, I wake up and pray for Fajr. I Believe that prayer is also a Healthy and Peaceful medium. After the Fajr prayer, I make myself a healthy drink of warm water with honey and lemon juice. Consuming the drink on an empty stomach in the morning removes toxins from the body, and also helps to relieve stomach bloating and chest pain problems. Basically the combination of Lemon and Honey are a good Source of Potassium, which Supports Heart health and helps in weight loss. I take a shower in the morning because a morning shower is very beneficial for the body.




Then I go up to the roof of my house and take a walk in the fresh morning air which makes my body feel better. I don't eat very heavy food for my breakfast, I prefer light food for breakfast so I have one boiled egg and a little Maggi. Exactly between eight and nine in the morning I complete my breakfast and after breakfast, I eat some dry fruit. Because Dry fruits contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial for the body. After eating breakfast, I prepared for my lunch.

✨My Healthy Afternoon Activities✨

After completing the midday cooking and praying, I finished my lunch by 2 pm and the lunch items I cooked were quite healthy. For lunch, I cooked Rice, Cabbage Vaji, Kalaishak Vaji, Mixed Vegetables, and Loitta Fish Curry, along with Tomato and Lemon.


After eating a healthy lunch at noon I nap for an hour and this one-hour power nap helps me feel much better. Then after waking up, I pray Asr and then I eat some Peanuts.


✨My Healthy Evening And Night Activities✨

In the evening I make and drink a cup of herbal tea with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and bay leaves. The body feels very refreshed after consuming this tea. Then I prayed to Maghrib and prepared food for the night. For dinner, I eat bread, egg curry, and lentils.





Then I take my regular tablets, vitamin E cap and folic acid tablets. These tablets are recommended by the doctor and I get many benefits from them. Then at night before going to sleep I pray Isha, drink a cup of milk and fall asleep.



The Important thing is being healthy I drink a lots of waters whole day. I believe that a person should understand these rules to stay healthy. We all need to maintain a schedule to be healthy then many types of problems in the body are solved. I am ending my health diary game here wishing you all good health and wish you all blessings and support.

I'm inviting my friends for attending this healthy life contest:

My Achievement link 🖇️

Achievement 1

✨Hope Everyone Like To Read My Post✨

✨Well Wishes For Everyone✨

Photography Details
Redmi Note 9
Narayanganj, Bangladesh
Captured By


Hello friend, i really enjoyed going through your writeup. I've learned alot by reading your post.

You take warm water, lemon and honey in the morning which helps to remove toxins.

You ate heathy meals, fruits and also too a nap.

Its nice how you care for your health.
I wish you all the best.

 7 months ago 

Thank you so much for reading my post and for giving a nice comment. Well wishes for you.

 8 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Everyone wants to live a healthy life but not everyone can follow the rules to live a healthy life. It's great to see your healthy life rules. Best wishes to you. I will be happy if I can join this contest.

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much for your appreciation Apu.

Welcome dear ☺️☺️

Thank you for describing what you need to do to build your body through this contest. You drink warm water in the morning with lemon and honey which is very beneficial for health. And you finish your cooking before noon and eat and sleep at noon is also very beneficial for your health and you eat almonds in the afternoon is very beneficial for us. And to keep your body healthy you take folic acid and vitamin capsules and drink a glass of milk at night this is also good for your body to keep your body fit so nice nice thank you so much for commenting here.

 8 months ago 

Thank you so much brother for your beautiful comment. I'm glad to hear your appreciation. You read my post very patiently, I feel good to share my health diary with Everyone. Take care.


Wow, @jebanikajeba, reading about your healthy routine made me feel like I need to step up my game! 😄

I loved how you start your day with a peaceful prayer and a refreshing drink of warm water with honey and lemon juice. It's amazing how such a simple drink can have so many health benefits! And your morning shower routine sounds like a great way to wake up the body and mind.

Taking a walk on the roof in the fresh morning air is such a refreshing idea! It must be so invigorating to start your day surrounded by nature like that.

Your lunch sounds absolutely delicious and nutritious! Cooking rice, vegetables, and fish curry is definitely a healthy choice. And I couldn't agree more about the power of a good afternoon nap! 😴

I also love how you end your day with a cup of herbal tea and some light dinner. And taking your regular tablets along with a cup of milk before bed is such a smart habit for overall health.

Your commitment to staying hydrated throughout the day is admirable, and your dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is truly inspiring! Keep up the great work, and may you continue to enjoy good health and blessings.

Sending you lots of love and support! 💪❤️

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