SEC S20W5 || Hemolytic Anemias - Module 5

in Healthy Steem2 days ago

Define Hemolytic Anemias

Hemolytic anemia is a kind of disturbance or disorderness in body which is characterized by premature destroy of red blood cell which results in anemia(In layman's language lack of blood in body).If I talk about red blood cells then these break down more fastly than they replaced which usually results in fatigue, lethargic condition, darkening of urine, yellowing of skin and jaundice.

If I talk about types of hemolytic anemia then it can be intravascular (Present in blood vessels),like if there is RBC destruction in femoral vein or extravascular (Present outside blood vessels) in nature,like if RBC destruction is in spleen .


Hemolytic anemia can be caused due to any disorder which is autoimmune.May be due to some of inherited issues like if there is presence of sickle cell anemia or thalassemia already.If there are presence of malarial or septic infections or if someone is using penicillin or quinine medications then it may also provoke hemolytic anemia.Severe blood disorders like leukemia or lymphoma can be a definite cause.

Majorly this condition is treated by the use of medicines, transfusions or removal of spleen.If you are noticing any of these symptoms then you must go for lab investigations and first approach should be to check you complete blood count and then Reticulocyte county, indirect bilirubin are important for confirmation of hemolytic anemia.

Define Sickle Cell Anemia

If I already briefly talked about sickle cell anemia that sickle cell anemia (SCA) is an inherited disorder that affects or hinders a normal hemoglobin production process.In this way when red blood cells stops their grow in between a normal growth process then they became like shape of a sickle (Misshapen) so if also become more brittle in this way definitely and hence became more susceptible to break down.

If I talk about signs and symptoms that we normally feel in sickle cell anaemia are continues episodes of sharp pain, low energy in overall body, yellow appearance of skin and eyes which is also important in inspection of jaundice as well as more occurrence of infections day by day.

If there is inherited mutation in HBB gene then it will cause sickle cell anemia. If there is any abnormality in haemoglobin (HbS) then it will cause this type of anemia. Related to its complications this type of anemia can damage any organ like kidney,liver, heart as well as it can also cause stroke, blinding of eyes and severe pain.

If I talk about its treatment then blood transfusions is a first step in its treatment and then pain management, antibiotics use and giving hydroxyurea therapy are important steps.If this condition is at its end stage then doctors may also recommend stem cell transplant.Its prevalence is not too much faster which is good thing.

Intravascular hemolysis vs extravascular hemolysis

CharacteristicsIntravascular Hemolysis (IVH)Extravascular Hemolysis (EVH)
LocationOccurrence in blood vesselsOccurrence out of blood vessels like in spleen, liver etc
RBC DestructionMore quick, explosiveSlow progression, phagocytic
CausesInfectants, toxic chemicals, autoimmuneSpleen disturbance, liver disorder, cancer
SymptomsAcute, severe , palenessChronic, moderate, lethargy
Laboratory FindingsRaised indirect bilirubin levels, LDHReduced haptoglobin, more reticulocytes
TreatmentFocused on root cause, transfusionsSpleen removal, medications, transfusions

Explain a case of Hemolytic Anemia


There was a 25 year old female suffering from autoimmune hemolytic anemia and then doctor take her clinical history then she presented with symptoms of lethargy,weekness, breathing difficulty, darkening of urine, some chills and fever. Dr advised her to go for lab tests which include complete blood come latitude indirect bilirubin and direct coombs test after notifying her symptoms.Her hemoglobin was 7 g/dL which was less than normal range. After that her Reticulocyte count was elevated by 25%.

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If I talk about indirect bilirubin level then it was 4 mg/dL which is also more than normal range and there were also auto antibodies against red blood cells detected which was detected by positive coombs test. After that doctor confirmed that patient is suffering from hemolytic anemia.Doctor advised patient to use immunoglobulin therapy, some of corticosteroids injection, blood transfusions and folic acid supplement usage as a treatment.At feedback patient told that after 3 weeks symptoms started to resolve.

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