Diary Game March 11, 2022: Quality time at the beach with family

in Steemit Philippines2 years ago

Spending quality time with family is the best time for me.

(Family picture of me and my wife with our daughter, Eva. We were having fun and enjoying the breeze in the morning.)

Part of the reason why I love the city where I live it's because we live close to the beach. It's only about 15 to 20 minutes ride from home. We had as chance to hook to the beach yesterday with the whole family to celebrate birthday's and wedding anniversary of my in-laws. We arrived at the beach around 6:30 in the morning and it was a nice weather. The water was clear and the sand was white and clean.

This is where we usually go because there's no entrance fee and we only have to pay for the cottage. The area is more beautiful and clean after typhoon Odette. This gives the management of the area to clean and maintain the place after the devastation of the strong typhoon 3 months ago.

(This part of the beach was untidy the last time we came here. There was garbage anywhere but now it's amazing! The people that manage the place really did a great job.)

(This part here is on the left side of the beach part. You can see the white sand and clean water. Imagine this is open to public and the management was able to maintain it's cleanliness. Hopefully they will. Rent of 200 pesos to 300 pesos isn't bad at all compared to other side of the beach where you need to pay entrance and cottage separately.)

It was a full of fun morning especially it was my daughter's first time to go to the beach. She didn't enjoy it at first because it's new to her especially when we let her feet touch the sand and the water.


We tried to put her in the float or salbabida but still she was scared. But later on she used to stand on the sand and play with her cute pink duck float.

(My niece Kate and sister in-law Rose together with my wife and daughter.)

(Eva is enjoying her pink duck float)

The family brought food for breakfast. My wife woke up early to cook bacon, hotdogs, and ham while my sister in-law cooked fried chicken, bihon (stir fry noodles), and fried fish. We also bought sweet potato and seafoods at the beach.

(Nieces Kate, Ashlee, and Erica with my wife habing breakfast)

We did enjoy a great breakfast because it's unusual for us to have breakfast together at home because everyone is busy in the morning and some woke so early and eat early.

Having them as my family makes me feel more blessed because they take care of me especially my daughter.

(Mama with Eva. Mama Betty helps us taking care of our baby)

(Mama, Rose, and @sweetspicy)


Photos are from my wife @georgie84

I am inviting @sweetspicy @georgie84 @jes88 to share your updates with us.

 2 years ago 

It is indeed a day well spent.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Wow! So great that baby steemit wentbout for a beach strolling

 2 years ago 

Yes. She likes going out from the house.

 2 years ago 

So great...

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