PHILOSOPHY: Money answereth all things but money can't buy happiness

in STEEM NIGERIA3 years ago


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In today's world and even in the ancient period, money seem to be the driving force responsible for how people are treated and in decision making.

Many with money seem to belong to the elites group while those without it are regarded as the artisans, poor or the lower class people.

This division has been the hitherto fate of human beings. It is a factor that makes an elder to be the younger and vice versa. The simple reason is that once someone has money, respect seems to be accorded to the person. The age doesn't really matter because people soon realise it that it's a matter of number.

Today, i want to do a bit of philosophy. Let's try to ponder on some questions that surround money and its importance in the society.

From the religious angle, Ecclesiastes 10:19B says "...and money answereth all things". This particular verse has been quoted from generation to generation to establish the importance of money and why money is the goal of many.

As human beings, we have our own general saying which appear to negate the claim above. It might not be a direct opposite but it is a negation of it.

Many people are of the opinion that money cannot buy happiness. They believe happiness is a thing from the heart or within and money can't buy it. This is backed by their beliefs that 'happiness don't cost a thing', 'happiness is free'.

Now to the philosophical query! If money answereth all things, why is happiness not in the category of "things"? Is it the case that it's because happiness is not a thing but a feeling? If this is true, we can ask further that why is it that when you dash/gift someone huge amount of money, the person shows or expresses this 'happy feeling'? Why is it also that when you gift someone a car, the person shows similar happy expression by jumping with smile?

Can it be said that money bought a car which in turn brought about the happiness? If this is true, why can't we equate it that the money bought the happiness?

Now to the first part, is it the case that money truly answereth all things? We can ask further, is death in the category of 'all things'? That is, why can't money buy death? It is possible to argue that money has been used on some acute sicknesses and people have been saved from it which can equally mean it 'bought' it.

That is hard to argue as fact because it is not in all cases that such people got healed from it and in some cases, people spent life savings and the patient eventually dies.

We can also ask if aging is in that category or not? That is, why is it that no matter the money one has, we can't stop ourselves from aging. Can we argue that this is because God created it to be so? We can press further to ask why it is possible for people to change faces, colors and the rest because God also created them?

Is there anything amidst in this discourse because i seem to think these two assertions are contradictories.

Perhaps, you have a different opinion that you will like to share on the matter especially on the one that says 'money answereth all thing'.

I look forward to reading your comments.

Thanks for your time.


If we look at money to fulfill our desires, then many rich people can be considered happy. However, when one accumulates a large amount of capital, one has many fears, which one must contain with the help of one's psyche. Many people who have lost all their savings or business later confess that they find it easier to live because they are not afraid of going bankrupt or being robbed or killed by someone for money. Also, many people with lots of money want to love and reverence but never know if their friends are sincere or just friends with them because of the money. I want to be rich and famous, I read greedyrates every day, but I also fear this money fame and lack of confidence in my friends and loved ones.

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