How did I make ghee at home?

in Steem For Bangladesh3 months ago

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

I am Hamida Syeda
My username is @hamidasyeda
I am from Bangladesh

How are you all ? I hope everyone is well! Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah I am also well.I am new to this platform so please excuse any mistakes.Today I am going to share one of my recipes with you.And this is how we can make fresh ghee at home. We cook many dishes with ghee like booter halwa, carrot halwa, semai etc. Cooking food with ghee doubles the taste of food. Makes food more delicious and it gives aroma and taste.The food also looks beautiful.


Let's get started:

  1. First, after heating the milk, I took the malai made of milk in another bowl and kept it in the fridge for several days.Then I took out the malai bowl from the refrigerator and left it for a while.

  2. Then pour malai in a blender jar and blend (but we can grind it if we want).


  1. When it is blended well, it will look like butter, then pour it in a bowl.
  1. I washed a pan well. Then I put the pan in the gas oven and dried the water in the pan well. As soon as the butter is added to the pan, the ghee starts coming out little by little.Then dry the whole butter well. Ghee is extracted from butter after drying.This is how my ghee is made, the scent of ghee is coming out very nicely Alhamdulillah.




  1. Then I poured ghee into a mug and a ghee container.


  1. After extracting the ghee from the butter, the remaining part which is like dry chickpeas, mixed with sugar will be really fun to eat. But we can throw it away if we want.

Thank you for reading my post; I really appreciate it.
Allah Hafez

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much for sharing a wonderful diary. Through you diary I came to know how to make made it as a skilled person. Best wishes for you..

 3 months ago 

Thank You for your valuable comment

 3 months ago 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

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