Betterlife:The dairy game:- The special jumma day activities[19-01-2024]

in Steem For Bangladesh4 months ago


Assalamu Alykum

How are you all friends? Hope you are all safe and well this winter. I am also very well by the grace of God, but my body and mind are a little bad. Because I am in the same situation when someone dies. By the way, today Friday is a special day out of the seven days of the week. So today's work has to be calculated. Because today is like Eid day for middle class and poor people like us. Let's start Tahul. How did I spend today?

Some words from my diary page💐



A few moments of morning weather.

What can I say about the weather this morning, today was less cold than the previous few days, it was not too cold. It was a little late to wake up. After waking up, I prayed.


Morning breakfast time.

After that, take a little rest after breakfast and go to the market at nine in the morning to do the weekly market.

Go to the market and buy tilapia fish in the fish market. Then buy raw vegetables of different kinds. Then buy eggs from the egg shop. To come home with the marketIt was noon

🌺Noon 🌺

I come back home in the noon and cut the fish and put it in the fridge. I cut the chicken and put it in the fridge. After that I take a bath and get ready for Jumma prayer. Then I go to the mosque for prayer.


Time to buy fish in the market.

After praying, I come home and I am not fresh. After that, I have lunch.After eating, I eat 7up. After that I rest. It comes in the afternoon.

🌴afternoon 🌴

In the afternoon, perform Asr prayer in the mosque. After leaving the mosque, go to see the snake play a little away from the mosque. There, Sapur shows the snake play. I like the snake play. They pet different types of poisonous snakes and throw out the snake poison. After that, they show the snake play. Snakes earn money. However, after watching the snake play for a while, I went home. It was evening.


Time to watch the snake play.

in the evening

In the evening, after the Maghrib prayer, I come home and make tea with hot ginger and eat it.
There is no substitute for hot tea this winter. It refreshes the body and mind and keeps the cold away.


evening tea time.

After that I watch cartoons for some time. The night also comes.

at night

In the night, call the call to prayer, do ablution and pray in the mosque. Then come home and have dinner.


Watching youtube time.

After dinner, when the night is late, I go to bed to sleep. After that, I write today's diary. After writing, I post it on Steam for Bangladesh community. After that, I watch various travel videos on YouTube and then go to sleep. This was my special diary for today. I hope you will like it.

💓 Thanks everyone 💓

 4 months ago 

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