How to draw panta hilsa popular food of Bengali New Year?

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month

I took this picture above with samsung mobile.

Assalamu-alaikum my dear friends. I am Lamia. And I am from Bangladesh. How are you my steemian friends? I hope all of my dear steemian friends are well like me. At this time Alhamdulellah I am also fine. Today I have appeared among you by drawing a scene of panta, hilsa, a traditional dish of Bengali New Year. So now I present to you my painted panta hilsa pictures.

What are the necessary materials for drawing pictures?
  • Pencil.
  • Tissu.
  • Pencil cutter.
  • A4 size art paper.
  • Black marker.
  • Colour pencil box.
  • Scale.
Steps in drawing pictures

Step 1,

At the beginning of drawing the picture of panta hilsa, draw two circles side by side with a pencil and compass on a white paper with all the drawing materials.


Step 2,

Draw two pieces of hilsa fish with a pencil on the surface of the two drawn circles.


Step 3,

Now draw a circular line along the middle of the two pieces of hilsa fish and draw two raw chillies and a little onion on the sides of the hilsa fish.


Step 4,

Then paint brown in the middle of the drawn circle.


Step 5,

Then paint yellow on two pieces of painted hilsa field, paint green on two raw chilies and paint purple on painted onion.


Step 6,

Then paint brown on the drawn two pieces of hilsa fish and paint black along the middle of the hilsa fish.


Step 7,

Finally, on one side of the drawn image, write Happy New Years on the top of the paper and Happy 1st Baisakh on the bottom of the white paper.


Selfie of me with the picture drawn


Where did I get the idea of ​​drawing pictures?

I got the drawing idea for this traditional Bengali food drawing today from a Youtube vedio. Basically a few days ago we celebrated Bengali New Year and now is the first month of 12 months of Bengal so in this special month I have made this traditional panta hilsa drawing to remember Bengali tradition. So now I have given the video link below which I got the idea of ​​drawing my drawing.

image - 2023-08-25T221702.610.png


Another lovely drawing from you!

 last month 

You have drawn a very nice picture on the occasion of Happy Bengali New Year. Your drawing looks very nice. Hilsa fish and panta rice is a popular food of Bengali New Year.

 last month 

Hi, Greetings, Good to see you Here:)

Thank you very much for sharing a nice article with us. Hope you stay active and keep engaging with everyone. If need any help then join our discord

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