Pen holder made of ice cream sticks.

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month
💕Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim💕
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

I am Mohua Tumpa. I use the username @muntumpa on. I am from #Bangladesh among you.

Dear Steem For Bangladesh community,

Assalamu Alaikum.Today I have come up with a post for Steam for Bangladesh. I made a pen holder with an ice cream stick.There are many such things that we throw away but can be used to create new things.You can put it on office table, reading table and children's reading table. I put it on my computer table.
Let's see how I made a pen holder with ice cream stick.

Pen Holder

Untitled design.png

Step 1:

First I took ice cream stick paper and glue.


Step 2:

I have placed the ice cream stick on the paper one by one with glue.


Step 3:

I have dipped the sticks in the ice cream.


#Step 4:

I made four walls by attaching some more ice cream sticks with glue. I also made some more ice cream sticks sitting on the paper in a row.


Step 5:

After that, I put the round, 4-corner shape with glue.


Step 6:

I have colored a small glass bottle


Step 7:

I attached the small glass change in the middle with glue and attached it with flowers.


Step 8:

The pen holder is ready, now I have put the pen and brush in the pen holder.


Step 9:

Now I have colored the pen. You can paint or not if you want. Or you can color it as you like.The pen holder looks like original wood after coloring.


My ice cream pen holder was ready in no time. How do you like this pen, please let me know by comment. Thank you everyone stay healthy.

◦•●◉✿ Thank You ✿◉●•◦
Everyone prays for me. Thank you so much for reading my post so patiently.

Best Regards

 last month 

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