The Diary Game : 26-04-2024 - Story of a beautiful day I spent.

in Steem For Bangladeshlast month
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Greetings and congratulations to all of the Steem For Bangladesh community

How are you all friends? I hope you are well and healthy by the grace of God. I am also well with the grace of Allah and the love of all of you. Today I bring you the story of a beautiful day I spent.


I woke up in the morning and performed ablution and prayed Fajr. After finishing the prayer, I went to sleep again for a while, I woke up at about eight o'clock. I got up and washed my hands and got fresh. I went to the kitchen and saw that my mother had fried pita and eggs with it for breakfast this morning. So we all had breakfast together. Finished the road and got up and cleaned the house. After that I worked on mobile for a long time.


A little later, I saw that mom had prepared all the cooking things and went to cook. I went and sat with him for a while. It didn't feel good, so I thought I'd take a little walk from the pond. I went to the pond and saw that all the children of the house were bathing very nicely in the pond. Seeing them bathing reminded me of my childhood, I used to do a lot of mischief in the pool. I sat for a long time and watched their mischief. After a while I felt that it had been a long time so I went home. Ammu says to take a bath so me and my sister went to bath together in the pond.


After the bath, it was noon, so I performed ablution and prayed. After the prayer, we all had lunch together. After eating I rested for a while and went to sleep. After sleeping for a long time, he woke up when the call to prayer was called. I got up and performed ablution and prayed Asr. A little later we planted some trees on the roof of our house to see it. Go and see that our flower tree has very beautiful flowers. I took some photographs of the flowers to share with you all.


When the evening is around, I go home early because Maghrib will be called. After calling the adhan, I performed ablution and prayed. Today we cook noodles for breakfast. We all sit together and eat noodles for breakfast in the evening. After finishing breakfast, I sit for a while.


After a while mom started nagging that my exam will start after some time why I don't sit to study. Mother's scolding, I immediately took the book and sat down to read. Earlier I used to feel good about studying but now I know how I feel when I look at a book. I sat down for a while.


My father came home from the market while I was at the reading table. When he comes from the market he brings gaza to eat. I like to eat gum, so when I see gum, I sit down and eat a lot of them. I no longer eat at night as a result of taking Gaza. I wandered through Facebook with my mobile phone for a while. I feel sleepy looking at the mobile phone, so I fall asleep. So my friends, that's all for today, everyone stay well and stay healthy.


 last month 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

Your diary game content is very nice and organized. Where you have moments spent with children and indulgent meals. Thank you very much sincerely. For sharing such a nice content with us.🥰🥰

 last month 

Hello dear

We all love to go to water parks in the summer season, enjoy swimming in the water and have a lot of fun, but I saw you bathing in a big pond. I am scared of such deep water, but you are very brave.

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