The Curious Case Of Ghost 👻👎 Down Voters

Greetings fellow steemians. I am seeking asitance in solving a mystery I have been encountering since I joined #steemit. I have been on the #steemit platform for just over a month. I have enjoyed it very much and I am slowly begining to get more and more used the way it works to make the most of it as an Author and as a Curator.

I have contributed to a couple of great communities. I have also won competitions and gained both Steem and Steem Power 😁👍. Most importantly I have rekindled a passion for writing.

Sometimes however, I seem to receive odd down votes. I have been getting one or two down votes on almost every post I make. Last week I posted 4 pictures on 2 seperate communities and they each received a down vote by the same account. These down votes are from what I have come to call Ghost Voters 👻. I call them that because they have no posts, minimum SP, maybe one or 15 followers or even none and most have 25 reputation. The odd thing is that their accounts are not new. Some where created as far as back 2017. Below are a couple of screen shots. I removed the names because I am not posting this to shame anyone, I am only trying to investigate and learn.


I tried Googling and searching but have not found anything. I can not be the only person dealing with this issue, even if I am a newbie.

Does anyone have any information about these Ghost Voters 👻👎, are they human or bots? What is their purpose because I don't think it's personal or that they particularly don't like my posts. What benefit can they get by down voting newbies especially not having any SP. Do my posts fall under a specific algorithm which they manage to sniff out and down vote before I gain any support?
Any information is highly appreciated.

P. S. I will spend steem to promote this post 😁👍

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