My introduction to Steemit - Achievement-1

in Newcomers' Communitylast year (edited)

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Hello Steemit community! My name is Julieta Forconesi, I am 21 years old and I am from the province of Mendoza, Argentina. I live in a small town called Santa Rosa, which, although small, is very special.
I was a student at the National University of Cuyo, my town is 80km from the college so I had to move to the city to start a new phase of my professional life.


This year I was forced to leave my engineering degree at Petróleos because financially it was unsustainable, since everything increases every week and it cannot continue like this.


Since I have been aware, I have never stopped studying, but the situation was force majeure. However, the two years I spent at the university helped me to potentially develop my skills, to know myself and, at least, to discover that my passion is not the oil field, but something more related to programming or marketing. on social networks, a path by which I am discovering.
When I was in my penultimate year in high school, I created my digital marketing company where I helped make local businesses visible, it was a wonderful experience.

En tiempos de cuarentena, realiza una visita virtual a los comercios de Santa Rosa..png

Very proud of the work I accomplished for myself.

I live with my father and my brother, they are both great people and they help me grow every day, we are a very small family together with my grandmother and grandfather, he passed away the same year that I entered the university, it was something hard for me but I was able to overcome the pain little by little.



I joined Steemit hoping to make some money to support my studies, but as I write this presentation, I realize that I also like to write about myself and what happens around me.
I met steemit in a Youtube video where you could make money through multiple platforms where you sold images, I don't remember your channel unfortunately
As for the cryptocurrency market, I have little to no experience, but I hope to learn within the communities to teach others.
One of my hobbies is dancing. It is something that I have been passionate about since I was little, although I could never pay for classes. When I turned 18, I was able to pay for a year of classes and went to two competitions, which was the greatest moment of glory and happiness in my life. Unfortunately, I had to drop out that same year because I couldn't afford more classes, and I threw myself fully into the college entrance exam while I was in my senior year.


Also this year I have started to take care of myself trying to eat healthy and take care of my physique, since I have a problem with the Pepsi drink, which is something that drowns me and ruins me, but little by little I am trying to give it up.

Photo with Bender, did I mention that I have had hair of all colors?

Seriously speaking, I can say that I am trying to improve my writing and English, and I would like to read blogs on these topics to improve my skills every day.

My biggest dream as a child was to create a YouTube channel, but I always thought that nobody would be interested in what I had to say. These last months that I have had time for myself, I have encouraged myself to expose myself to the world, so I am excited to create content for both Steemit and Youtube, talking about my town, personal development and making tutorials about what the community needs the most. . Finally, I am considering telling the story of abuse that I suffered since I was little and that still has not healed. I think it's something that would help me turn the page, but I'm still not sure.

I would also like, over time, to publish content that can help others with any questions they have, since collaborating with people fills my soul.

I would also like to thank the post of @ripon0630 in which he guided me to make this presentation.
If you have any suggestions to learn more about the platform, I would really appreciate it.

In short, I am excited to join this community and share my life, my experiences, and what I have learned. Thanks for reading me!


Hello, @asadoconvino Welcome

Achievement-1 Publication should be once.Plz, remove the similar verification post .You can submit publications to other communities in a completely different and unique way.

How did you come to know about this platform ? It is important to validate your publication through whoever you joined this platform.

Thank You.

Hello Ripon, thanks for answering, there I added the place where I met steemit which was through a youtube video, I also want to ask you how to delete a post because I don't get the option to do so. thank you so much

Hello, thank you for your response.

I also want to ask you how to delete a post because I don't get the option to do so.

You will find an edit option below your every post. Just edit your post clear the text and update.

I added the place where I met steemit which was through a youtube video.

Can you plz submit the link to that youtube video?

Thank you.

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