Problems of training metrologists.
The lack of qualified personnel in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements is a significant problem in metrology. Since the last
In the decade of the last century, there is no qualitative growth in the level of professional training of specialists in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements. At the same time, the number of qualified metrologists is decreasing. This applies to professionals at all levels - from technicians to faculty members. In the 90s, due to a change in priorities in professional activity, the number of young people who want to obtain the qualification of a metrologist and work in scientific and practical metrology has sharply decreased. A lot of personnel were lost due to natural retirement, in
while there is no substitute for them in terms of skill level. In the present
time in all structures of the economy is, according to expert estimates,
approximately 120-200 thousand metrologists, including in the system of Rostekhregulirovanie (in metrological institutes, centers of metrology, in supervisory bodies) about 7000 people, which is ≈5-6%. Every year, 4-5 times fewer specialists are trained in metrological specialties than is required by the economy. Thus, the personnel issue in the implementation of work to ensure the uniformity of measurements in Russia currently remains extremely important.

The problem of verification of measuring instruments
This problem lies in the decrease in the number of verified
measuring instruments is largely due to the significant obsolescence of the testing base of the CSM. As shown by the results of targeted inspections carried out by Rostekhregulirovanie over the past 3 years, a similar, and often
An even worse situation with verification is observed in such socially significant areas as health care, ecology, communications, transport (aviation). It is extremely important for the country's economy at present to develop verification activities in order to save energy resources of all types - oil,
oil products, gas, timber, electricity and others.
Metrological activity will develop in the following areas:

  1. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI) from the system of regulatory and methodological documents to the state system
    management of activities to ensure the uniformity of measurements.
  2. Improvement of the HMS. It is planned to reform the state metrological supervision from the level of supervision over individual elements of the measuring process (means and methods of measurements, operators, etc.)
    to a higher level - supervision of accredited MS.
  3. There is a need to improve the standards for methods of control and testing that do not meet the requirement to ensure the uniformity of measurements,
    since they do not include measurement errors.
  4. Creation and operation of a system of accreditation of measuring laboratories.
  5. Deepening international cooperation in the field of metrology. When
    implementation of international cooperation, the following main goals are pursued: - study of advanced foreign and international experience and its
    use in domestic metrological activities.

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