Achievement4 by @marvintochi001 ; Applying markdown

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

In the field of writing , there is need for proper orderliness in writing and same applies to steemit posts. A write-up with proper arrangements of punctuations , sub-headings, well placed paragraphs , appears feasible to understand and makes reading easier for readers. So on my today's post , I would be talk about ways by which these orderliness are maintained on steemit platform via applying markdowns.
There are various markdowns used in steemit and they include ; headings , Justifying texts , Aligning text into cells , how to places a text in the center , adding subscript and superscript , adding links , prepare tables , Quotes and Posting images etc ...

Headings :

This can be done using the symbol # then a space before the text . The more the symbol , the more smaller the text appears . Example :

Marvin 1

Marvin 2

Marvin 3

Marvin 4

The numbers listed after the name Marvin shows the number of # used .

Justify text :

The essence of Justifying text is to give it a straight line up , for easy reading and it can be done using these with the symbols shown in the screenshot .


Align text into two cells :

Need may arise for texts to b aligned side by side such as two column , this can be done using the symbol as shown in the image .


Center text:

A text can be placed in the middle of a write-up to connote an important point or a new section in the write-up thus :



Adding subscript and superscript:

The using of letters or numbers below a word or text connotes a subscript while above connotes a superscript .Example
H2S (Hydrogen sulphide )

102(Ten raised to the power of two)

Links :

links can be added using these [the text to follow get the link] (then the link placed in brackets ). Also links can be directed to a steemit user , using @ . Example @marvintochi001.

Table : tables can be made thus ; writing a text , then put ( | ) before the next text.

Tochi 1Tochi 2
Marvin 1Marvin 2

Code : codes are made by using the symbols as shown in the screenshot below Marvin's post on steemit markdown


Quotes Block quotes : When a text or word is to be used from another source , it is placed in quote , using the symbol > before the quote .

Thanks for reading .
@ngoenyi @steemcurator03 @cryptokannon @whitestallion

 3 years ago 

You mention subscript and superscript, but you do not explain how to do them.

 3 years ago 

Ooohh , I forgot to add my screenshot .. thanks .

Hey @marvintochi001, this is Aniqa Mashkoor one of the greeter helpers.

You have successfully completed your achievement 4 and now you can head towards completion of achievement 5. Please read and understand it first Achievement 5: Understanding The Steem Tools

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Remember that achievement 5 has 4 tasks and you have to make separate posts each for . And each task must be posted in Newcomers' Community. Get ready for a handstands-on-once of steemit tools.

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#pakistan #affable

 3 years ago 

Hi, @marvintochi001,

Your post has been supported by @nahela from the Steem Greeter Team.

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