Achievement 3 by @noraiz task Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Dear steemians! I hope you all will going well by the grace of God and also enjoying your life very well . I am also fine. After the successfully verification of achievement 2 I am going to talk about the achievement 3 that is about the plagiarism. I hope after reading my post you all will get a knowledge and also a source of Good content for newcomers which join the community very now

What is plagiarism


Steemit is a platform where the plagiarism is quit prohibited. Plegiarism is an unprofessional and illegal activity which is not acceptable at all anywhere. It is counted in plegrism to copy other’s work and present it as your own. You steal the other’s ideas and present all them as your owns without giving them credit. Plegiarism is presenting the idea of someone else as your own. You present that those are yours but actually that work belong to some one else. But you just copy that work, spin the words and present as it is your own work. It quit unethical.

Tools to check plegiarism

Many tools are available on internet which is being used by anti plagiarism personalities. You need to pay for that tools but some are free of cost for all users to use. Turnitive is most commonly used tool by professionals. You have to pay for that. This tool is not freely available. But there are many on internet which are free of cost such as
Note: be very careful from the traps. Some tools on internet which real purpose is to copy your data.

Why Plagiarism is Unprofessional

Plegiarism is unprofessional because it’s real mean is to steal the other’s work. It's the act of theft as you steal the others wording to get the credit.
By doing Plagiarism, you will be counted as plagiarist which is actually a stain on your credibility and wil ruin all your reputation in your working place.

To engage in downright plagiarism is disappointing. It's cynical, opportunistic and hypocritical.
-Saul Bass

Plegiarism is consider the wrong activity because you get the idea and work of other and present all that work after doing some minor changes or just by spinning works. That is wrong and unprofessional.
Sometime the plagiarist get the reward of the work which he has stolen from others work as presented it as his owns. He was not the eligible for that reward but still he got. That's why it is considered as unprofessional act because you are rewarded for thing which actually is not done by you

Types of Plagiarism


How to Avoid Plagiarism

Always try to do the task by hard work. Don’t copy others at all. Study more before submitting your task and write whatever you get from your study and research in your own wording. If you copy others, always give them the credit for that. Always mention the source from where you have copied. Do not copy without mentioning the source. Then you will notbe afraid of catching and considering as plagiarist.
There are some sites which offer you the plagiarism free data.

    There is no space for plagiarist on Steemit. When you start acknowledging that you need someone's help and use other work in yours in a proper way like give proper source of the site from where you have copied that work will make you mature.
    If you copy the data from somewhere, always mention source of that site. Here are few steps of mentioning the source on Steemit platform.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them.




Hi i am Sumit one of the team member of Steem Greeter.

I am happy to announce that i have successfully verified your achievement 3 post. Now you are eligible for performing your achievement 4 which is about the applying markdown. You can refer this post for your next task.



 3 years ago 

Thanks dear steemian

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