Achievement 3 Task| Content Etiquette on Steemit

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

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Hello most esteemed steemians welcome to my achievement 3 task on content etiquette.
I will like to thank @saxopedia for verifying my achievement 2 task, @ebuahsang1 for introducing me to the platform and @fombae for putting me back on track when I was almost giving up on the platform. With that said I will dive into it.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary plagiarism is the practice of using another person’s ideas or work and pretending that it is your own.(
It is unacceptable and could be tantamount to sanctions from the supervisory body to which the write up is being submitted. Plagiarism violates the rule of creativity and dishonours the original author of the idea in question. On social media platforms platforms plagiarism is very common, since everyone is free to screenshot and repost whatever idea the see and feel as to share without necessarily tagging it original author. Facebook, YouTube and Instagram are trying to curb the rate as no one is allowed to play copyrighted tracks on their video without using a disclaimer, if not the video could be taken down and a warning issued, this is yet to be true of WhatsApp. There are several forms of plagiarism

Types of Plagiarism

According to Scribbr, there are five different ways of doing it of plagiarism namely; global, verbatim, paraphrasing, patchwork and self plagiarism.

  1. Global plagiarism
    Which is taking an entire text by someone else and passing it off as one’s own. It is often deliberately done so it is the most serious form of plagiarism and it has serious consequences
  2. Verbatim plagiarism
    Also called direct plagiarism, is copying and pasting someone else’s words in our work without acknowledging them or quoting the original source
  3. Paraphrasing plagiarism
    This is putting another persons words in our own words without citation, could even be done by translation.
  4. Patch Work Plagiarism
    Also called mosaic plagiarism, means copying phrases, passages and ideas from different sources and putting together to create a new text. It could involve slightly rephrasing or using the same words but in all it is plagiarism.
  5. Self Plagiarism
    This is reusing work that we previously published. It is inappropriate because credit was already given for the work. It is a very serious form of plagiarism unless it was initially permitted.(

Why is Plagiarism Inappropriate

  1. Plagiarism is theft of someone else’s intellectual work which by moral standards is already wrong and violating
  2. It encourages laziness in research killing the zeal of creativity and the passion for research

Common Causes of Plagiarism

  1. Laziness : the unwillingness to take time to create something original either due to busy schedule and waiting to the last minute when we have to rush and now left only with the possibility of copying others work and efforts
  2. Carelessness : the plagiarist may not know about plagiarism and therefore how to avoid it will be unknown to them too besides the consequences because not every internet user is educated
  3. Selfishness : People who want to succeed at all cost even at the expense of others, will readily copy and modify others work to make a better version in their name so they can perform better.

The Various Sanctions for Plagiarism

The consequences of plagiarism range from cancellation of work to even prison term and termination of license for Scholars

  1. The write up could be cancelled, when the work is cancelled the writer’s license is most likely to be suspended, if it is an end of term essay, the writer will have to redo the work under strict supervision.
  2. The writer could pay fines especially when the work was used to generate income the case the YouTubers and artists
  3. The plagiarist could be banned especially when it is noticed that has been a recurring factor with that particular person

How to avoid plagiarism

  1. To avoid plagiarism we need to make sure to cite and quote every author no matter how little of their work we are going use
  2. Also we need to maximize using our own creativity, to think and create too, that way it increases variety of ideas too.

Having read and understood the Steemit guidelines on content protocol, I will do all in my best to respect the rules and practice and encourage creativity in my every article.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

 2 years ago 

Hi, @shieks,

Your post has been supported by @ngoenyi from the Steem Greeter Team.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

Hi @shieks, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

It's also very important for you to join #club5050. To join the club you need to power up at least 50% of your monthly earnings. You can also join #club75 where you will power up 75% of your earnings for 2 months or #club100 where you are to power up all your earnings for 3 months.

Also note that all achievement posts must be posted only once. Even if your post is not verified, you need to exercise patience and be sure to tag a greeter to verify you

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Task rate:2

 2 years ago 

Thank you @ngoenyi

Thanks for taking part in this Achievement post.

You will need to add the following promise to your post.

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them" at the end of this task post.

Then add #achievement3 to the hashtags you already added

 2 years ago 

@ngoenyi, I think the corrections have been made.

Thanks, but I just discovered that he has done this achievement post 3 times

 2 years ago 

Yeah, two times and it was not verified. When she got to me, i asked her to redo it because I was not okay with previous work .

What she can do is just to edit the previous ones instead. We don't allow users to repeat achievement posts. Even if it expires, we will give a catch up vote. She has to delete the previous ones

 2 years ago 

Working on that now, thanks

 2 years ago 

Thank you greeter @ngoenyi correction taken

 2 years ago 

All done. Thanks for the correction

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