The right way to survive lockdown.

in OCD4 years ago

Lockdown Life

Like most of you guys I am assuming your country is on Lock-down or you may just be self-isolating because of this ehm, how do I say it?... Bastard Virus?

Thanks to this (but not really) I like most people have had a lot of time on my hands. After a few days of lockdown it was safe to say I was bored. Xbox and Netflix can only last a certain amount of time before I get extremely bored. So I did what anyone would resort to and start thinking about food. I had a really strong craving for Steak and a Pornstar Martini, I then went and spent a stupid amount of money on steak,alcohol and a cast iron pan.

As it turns out it costs £50 for a steak and cocktail. This better be worth it. I have 3 days until everything arrives so I better get researching how to make the best steak right? So off I go to YouTube and watch steak videos at 4am before sleeping to get all the insider info from GugaFoods. After watching hours worth of steak videos I feel like the steak king I am a chef now, just only in my head.

Now I won't lie when it comes to making the Pornstar Martini I have tried many times before to perfect it. Sometimes coming close to what I want and sometimes nowhere near. Time to try again right? The steak and all the ingredients have now been delivered time to become Gordon Ramsey.

Firstly I heated up the oven and threw in some Sweet Potato Chips/Fries and then started heating up the new cast Iron pan and threw some butter in there, once it was sizzling away I threw in some mushrooms. They did not take so long to cook so I put them to one side and started seasoning the steaks with some steak rub, a lot of steak rub. Threw them into the pan and left them on for a few minutes on each side until they got a nice crust all while I was scooping up the melted butter and juices to pour over the steaks. At this point I realize oh shit, I forgot to heat up the peppercorn sauce, luckily that only takes a couple minutes to heat up.

I did not really think about making the cocktails until I had already cooked everything and were served up. Now I am rushing around the house with vodka bottles etc if you had seen me you'd think I was a mad man. I did NOT want my steak to be ruined and cold, I could not ruin my dinner after all the research I had done and had even become Gordon Ramsey himself.

I chucked everything into a shaker that I needed to make the cocktail and shook it as hard as I could until I collapsed (Not really, it just sounds more dramatic go along with it.)finally I was done. Dinner was served alongside my masterpiece of a cocktail. I will post a tutorial on the Pornstar Martini if anyone is interested.

pornstar martini.jpg

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