What Else?

in OCD3 years ago


So many hopes and aspirations attached to this day,
with much joy and expectations we say;
Tomorrow will be better than today,
we will do more than we did today,
the sun will fill the sky,
our depression-drenched daughters and sons will be warmed with goodness,
our hearts will feel loved,
and our lives will be decorated with beautiful rays.
All this will happen tomorrow.

But once tomorrow is done,
and our dreams come true,
when we find our paths through
the dark aisles of life and none
of our steps are found in the blue line.
When we feel fulfilled
and we reap the fruits of our labour on the field,
when we lay our backs to rejoice and make merry.
Once tomorrow is done, what else?

Once tomorrow is done, what else?
Shall we rest from our labour
or we shall continue to toil?
Shall we make peace with our kinsmen
or continue to foil peace?
Shall we stop dreaming and wishing
or we shall continue with our endless wishes?
Once tomorrow is done, what shall we do?
Where shall we be?

Once tomorrow is done, we shall continue wishing,
but we must foster peace and unity,
we must strive to be better
and strive to see the best of others too.
We must share our experiences
and how we overcame it for our next generation,
we must calmly and joyfully;
enjoy the fruits of our toiling when tomorrow is done.
Tomorrow is when we reach the peak of our lives.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


While reading your post, I imagine the different stages we go through, working to achieve our dreams, sharing with our family, I explain, forming a home and a family, then fighting so that our children get the best not only material, but also excellent values of our example, and old age, where we rest and I would share my knowledge, contributing what I know to the new generations, if they obviously wish to do so.

So true. We try to impact their lives and it seem to be an endless one because daily we seek to get better and do better.

His future is brite who is active and patience.

Very true, my friend

Every day is very important for every person. I pray that your every day is good. Stay well.

Thank you and yours too.

Time is of the essence, We have to use every moment, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.
great thinking!

Yes, we don't know but we should stay hopeful.

Everyone need to utilise her time proper way . everything is uncertain no one don't tomorrow will be happened..

Indeed, time is of the essence.

Nice to read your article


Beautifully written and brilliantly carved out here. I love every bit of it. I've seen a case of deep depression for a trailing spouse who later file for the divorce to end the marriage started off from love. This poem's ending is basically the beginning of a beautiful journey.

Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed it.

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