Fighting for Steem: another day on the battlefield

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Hi there my Steemian friends and followers!

I really wish I could publish all the nice travel posts that I have prepared for you and just do my regular Steemian routine here but unfortunately, there is no room and time for it now as we are currently in a war and today is going to be another day on the battlefield for us.

Image source:

Since yesterday, we have been participating in what I believe is the largest and most epic mobilization of the Steemian community in history. We all know what is happening - our blockchain was attacked by Sun´s team and they have been trying to take control of it through their sock puppet witnesses.

The course of this battle has been changing dramatically, sometimes literally with every minute. For a few hours earlier today, we already managed to push out many of Sun´s witnesses of the crucial top 20 spots but unfortunately, as of this writing (noon CET), Sun must have launched another massive offensive because we only have 2 of our old witnesses in the top 20 right now as you can see in the screen shot below.

Bez názvu.png

From what I learned, we need to have at least 4 witnesses in the top 20 to be able to prevent Sun´s witnesses from triggering the hard fork that would mean the end of Steem as we know it and like it.

We know who we are dealing with, a filthy rich businessman with highly dubious reputation who already proved he would use any means (legal or illegal) to take control of our world. Obviously, this is not going be an easy battle but seeing all the dedication to fight for what is ours, the amazing unity and integrity of our community, seeing the entire Steemian world mobilized with everyone from giant whales and orcas all the way down to the tiniest minnows and planktons lined side by side and ready to fight, I am seriously moved and confident we can make it.

I think by know, we all know what we should do at this moment but let me repeat it one more time.

1) Power up all you can to make your support for our witnesses as big as possible.

2) Vote for our old witnesses (focus on those who are close to making it back to top 20).

3) Reach out to your Steemian friends (also those who are not active!) and make them vote for our old witnesses.

As usually, our and only @theycallmedan came up with his own initiatives to provide some extra motivation for you. He is rewarding those who have powered up here and those who have voted for our old witnesses here.

Just like Dan said, let´s show Sun and his team that they picked the wrong coin to mess with!

We are Steem and we are going to fight for our world!

This post was created by me for the Steem blockchain exclusively.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Traveling, Photography and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on Steeming! :)


Bylo to úžasný povstání. Ještě ráno to vypadalo tak slibně...
Evidentně ještě není vyhráno.
Věřím, že dobro zvítězí. Demokracie nad diktaturou.

Mě to úplně dojímá, taková pospolitost a odhodlání se normálně v životě moc nevidí :) Vyhráno není ani zdaleka, momentálně naopak zase prohráváme... Těžko říct, kolik do toho bude Sun ochoten nalít z vlastní kapsy. Myslím, že teoreticky má dost na to, aby klidně skoupil i všechen Steem, co na burzách leží...

To asi i má, ale nebylo by to moc moudré. Výrazně by tím zvýšil riziko, že si komunita udělá fork, na který se přesune - jde to i bez 17 svědků v top 20, sic ne úplně elegantně a end-user-friendly. A co by pak Sun s tím nakoupeným steemem dělal, že.

Taky je možné, že v téhle kauze mu půjde víc o vlastní ego a ješitnost než profit a v takovém případě by nejspíš chtěl vyhrát doslova za každou cenu...

Za to krypto které dal Warrenovi mohl nakoupit radši Steem, pan investor to stejně dal někam do šuplíků a jeho přednášky o rychlosti Tronu a jak je to všechno supr mu šly jedním uchem tam a druhým ven, protože názor na krypto má pořád stejný.

No pokud dojde na tu možnost, co jsem zmínil (že půjde Sunovi o vlastní ego a touhu ukázat, kdo je tady "šéf"), tak z jeho strany na to masivní nakupování Steemu ještě dojít může, ale nevím, jestli by se nám to ve finále líbilo :D :/

Prostředky na to asi má ale kdyby to mělo znamenat že bude mít těch 20 svědků tak by asi došlo k HF. Jen by ty naše steem classic tokeny asi nebylo na jaké burze kde vyměnit tedy časem asi jo. Oficiální frontend by nebyl a zkrátka někdo by jel busy nekdo steampeek a dělali bysme to samý co do teď.

To jo, je to úžasná síla. Škoda, že nemůžeme celkem nic víc dělat, kromě toho hlasování.
Koukám, že už máme 19. místo ;-)

Aktuálně 3/20... Strašně to lítá nahoru dolů ty jména, je to až divné.

To je zvláštní. Napadlo mě, jestli Sun nehraje nějakou hru. Jestli to není nějaká intrika.

Něco na nás hraje zcela určitě... Kéž by ho to už přestalo bavit a hleděl si zase svého Tronu :D

To by bylo nejlepší. Kéž by ho hračka Steem už omrzela :-)
Měl by mu pořádně nabacat strýc Satoši ;-)

Well said friend. We have to do lot of things against Sun's sock puppet witnesses. Every seconds changed more things. Currently lot of steemians involved with this fighting everywhere. I've seen more inactive users on steem blockchain and steem need massive support from them because we want decentralized blockchain. Few hours ago our ten witnesses came to top 20 list. But now I see only 3 witnesses on top list. Justin sun trying to control steem through legal or illegal actions. I hope everything will be solve via steemian's hardest effort.
@tipu curate

Thanks for spreading the word and for your support my friend. It´s important that all the regional communities in different countries all over the world participate in this epic effort. We can only succeed if we act like one team. All the best to you guys in Sri Lanka.

Hello friend @phortun, a very motivating speech. My question is: Do we have the strength to win this war?

Hard to say, we don´t know what else they have up their sleeves but I believe we can win this war :)

Though battle. Whatever comes out of this, it's great to see this massive community effort!

Exactly. Just seeing this enormous united effort of our community makes me super proud :)

my totally unimportant view of this. we could make a sister chain or he could sign a contract. if he really does not want to be the ruler of the chain he will not have a problem with it. contract that he will not use his stake for voting or witness manipulation. That he will continue development of steem for x time and finish SMT. apology for calling as all Hackers. No more crazy talk about steem coin swap and migration. Also their plan of development. All signed and checked by the lawyers. That would be a hard fork with no hard forks. Thik this would be ok from both sides.

Also important thing. talking to ex steemit employers. Do they want to work with steemit on development. they know the chanin the best.

As for exchanges, i don't know, i would like to see them sweat for a bit, but i think part of that pushing the meeting early was the pressure from exchanges.

Sounds very good to me but unfortunately, my opinion is just unimportant as yours :D You might want to suggest this to some higher places. Oh man those exchanges... don´t even get me started on this... But other exchanges as well as many eyes of the general crypto public are watching our couragous fight closely and according to some latest news, KuCoin just said they would like to list us ;) This war can have some positive side effects too...

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