Greed's end

in OCD4 years ago

We all want more of something, more money, more friends, more time. There is no end to the human's condition to want more and even those who say they are content, want more protection on their contentment. We are all greedy. I think the difference comes down to how we satisfy our desires, who and what are we willing to destroy to get what we want and how fast we are willing to lower our bars to achieve our aims. When does, Do no evil become Justify some evil. What is evil?

It is not for me to decide.

In the current world of instant gratification and maximisation of pleasure and minimisation of discomfort, how can we expect people not to be greedy at every opportunity they see, at every turn? Each of us are trying to improve but in so many areas, it is a zero sum game where one's improvement relies on the degradation of another, one benefits, the other pays. Time and time again it seems to be the same ones, the same groups paying the costs while others only skim. Middlemen living off the sweat and tears of those who provide for them.

The problem in crypto as I see it is that for the most part, the concepts of a more equitable world that benefits all is hot air as the space seems filled with the highest concentration of personal maximisers of any industry. With better skills and control, they would make the Wolves of Wall street seem like puppies still suckling milk from their mother. Add in the anonymity and the potential for the greed to satisfy needs intensifies as the needs become, anything desired.

It is the sickness that afflicts so many of the rich and powerful, a sickness where the money and the endless possibility becomes too much and the greed sets it eyes on new prizes, new highs. There is no wonder that is so much disgusting behaviour in Hollywood, so much twisted that goes on with the high-flyers as they continually search for greater satisfactions and their desires and entitlements creep further and further from the average until they are partaking in the most violent acts of oppression of the liberties of others.

Do they recognise their acts for what they may be of do they justify them through their deluded view that they are above others as they have more than others? Is it their arrogance that believes they are more deserving? And what of all those below willing to sell themselves to rise in the ranks in the hope to have their own twisted fantasies fulfilled? What of those who oppress the very people who support their rise, for to lift another is to use resources that could be used upon the self? At all levels, greed persists.

Where is the balance in this world, where is the equilibrium point where each person can have enough without encroaching on the needs of others. Does it exist? Perhaps a point of balance is impossible as there will always be those who will ramp up their requirements as they receive more, those who are never content with what they have and never grateful for all of those who sacrificed for them to have it. And, there will always be those who limit themselves, oppress themselves and toil endlessly so that others can have opportunity.

Well, perhaps there won't always be those, perhaps it will get to a point where all are maximisers with no end to desire but death. Maybe that is the purpose of human existence;

Greed til the end, the end of us all.

[ an original ]


I noticed that your posts are different on HIVE.

Yes, I have a very large catalogue of posts and I know that most of what I have written here, hasn't been seen by the majority of my followers. I have been adding new content here as well, but Hive is all new.

Hi! Did you know that is now censoring users and posts based on their opinions?
All the posts of these users are gone!

Here's a list of some banned users:
'roelandp', 'blocktrades', 'anyx', 'ausbitbank', 'gtg', 'themarkymark', 'lukestokes.mhth', 'netuoso', 'innerhive'
See anyone you recognize? There could be more, they also have a remote IP ban list.

Will you be censored next?

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