Transmitted Infections.

in Team Uganda3 years ago (edited)


Don't worry. This post isn't going in a bad direction, it's purely medical 😂😂😂. Anyway, I have had the experience of learning the hard way and i feel it only right to share my experiences with you all.

Growing up in Kampala, we usually went to the markets in Owino, Nakawa, and Banda. These were the biggest markets around and the second hand clothes that they usually sold and still sell were cheap and good. Well, really they are better than new clothes made in Uganda. Why? Because they last longer and are unique!

(😡 get to the point!!) Okay, so my sister and I used to like buying nickers from the market and we bought them for close to two decades, these were used nickers and they were, yes, unique and nice. However, they were second hand, and that's my point! We were always too excited to get them that we just almost wore them immediately. Imagine my horror now!!!

This act has had repercussions on my health for a very long time that, had I known what I know now, I wouldn't advice anybody to buy them, even for their kids. As we wore these used nickers for years, we got infected with diseases that were considered otherwise, sexually transmitted!! I remember my dad being told by our family doc that i had a sexually transmitted infection when I was only 13.


He never questioned me how I got it, so I guess we all shrugged it off like a mistake but the doctor. I never took the medication however. More years down the road, I had a condition where my kidneys were so infected, we all thought I had kidney disease.


And of course other familiar problems that you can imagine that come with these infections.

What's the catch?

The point is, at times it's hard to test for infections because we don't think it's that serious. Whether they are sexually transmitted or not, infections can make your world lose balance. I have had to under go vigorous treatments because it just couldn't go away! I have swallowed all kinds of anti-biotics because of an innocent act of dressing fancy.

What to do.

  • Please don't buy and wear second hand panties without washing them in jik and hot water, especially if you are buying them for your kids. Better still, don't buy them. Iron them out with plenty of heat on the mid section!! This will help keep your productive system clean and safe from these infections that can cause burrenness, miscarriage, or even fatalities.


  • Put on Cotton panties or under wear at best, and don't let it get too right on your groin area.

  • If you ever feel any discomfort, go to a doctor. Don't wait for the worst to hit you.

  • Keep good hygiene and avoid moist underwear. Don't wash your underwear with your stockings to avoid yeast infections.


  • After swimming, remove your wet swim suit fast. Don't wait to dry with it.

  • Before you engage in any sexual activity, please make sure you are both safe from bacterial and yeast infections.

Lastly, let me conclude by saying, make it a priority to see the doctor very often. Even when you aren't sick. Getting a nasty disease before it grows bigger, really can save you pain, money, and most probably your time (life)

Take care, by-a

 3 years ago 

Oh, thank you dear for coming up with such an educative and healthy lessons.

Second hand clothes are good but one should follow the steps mentioned before using them.

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