Unwritten Social Rules Everyone Should Know.

in Team Uganda3 years ago (edited)

Halo good people on Steemit. Howdy, howdy! Hope you are staying amazing and fine. I am travelling alot today and as I am in the passenger's sit this time round, I have all the time to post about some stuff I have been thinking about.

I have been thinking about what drives us. What makes a society? We don't all think the same way and it's safe to suppose that we are unique and have different pace, race, IQ, interests, political and religious affiliation, etc. How then do we keep harmony with each other? By following social rules as a social standard.

What are some of these social rules?

  1. Try as much as possible not to hoot unless it is very necessary! It is rude when you do. And as far as parking is concerned, park right.

  2. In a public place, try to leave space between you and the next person. For instance at the urinals, bar, treadmill, shopping mall or target practice.

  3. Say thank you, and please. This is a basic mannerism that has been taught to us by our mothers from birth. It makes everything much easier for everyone!

  4. Don't bark at the waitress. How you treat someone who is not in your position of power and authority says alot about your character. Smile back and say thank you. A tip would be wonderful too!

  5. Cough in your hankies, or better still sneeze into your hands. With Covid 19, we have been encouraged to use our elbows.

  6. You are allowed to eves drop, but your submission is not required!

  7. Do not call a person their first name if you don't know each other personally, or without their consent. And please add a Mr or Mrs or Ms.

  8. Babies are cute. Don't let them climb people's hair and comfort just because.

  9. Man, never slap a woman. Woman, your man is your head. Submit respectfully.

Hope we learnt a few things. Please share your thoughts with me. I would love to learn from you too!



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