Some aspects about the establishment of vegetable gardens at home

in Project HOPE2 years ago
Dear readers, establishing a vegetable garden at home is a project that may take a few months to be realized, but it will be able to give many satisfactions in the long term. The main advantage of growing your own food is that you can choose the varieties you prefer and control the products you consume. The first stage to establish a vegetable garden at home is to plan it, have a clear idea of where to establish it, what crops are going to be planted and how much time you are going to need for maintenance, if it is not clear what will be the use you will give to the space, we should not rush with the planting.

On the other hand, another of the important decisions that must be made for the establishment of an orchard is to choose the crops that can be established, you can choose between the most common varieties or the most exotic and nutritious, according to your taste and the adaptability that the plants have to climatic conditions, since, in this way they will be able to better express their productive potentialities.

In our homes, we have spaces where we have soil available for planting and it can be established directly on the surface delimitations with any type of material either wood, blocks or more environmentally friendly such as plastic containers. To use the plastic containers as a material to delimit first of all, a kind of trench is excavated and opened around the perimeter depending on the size of the containers, then the containers are filled with water, their lids are placed and buried upside down as seen in the following photograph.

In case we do not have enough space in our homes, especially in urban areas, there are shops dedicated to the sale of agricultural inputs where they can get fertilizers and ideal substrates for planting our plants in pots, as mentioned in a previous article. There are crops that can be developed in pots easily such as chili pepper, tomato among others, there you can perfectly control irrigation, fertilization among other manipulations that are necessary for the maintenance of the crop, that is why it is said that plants that are planted in pots are also easy to take care of.

When you decide which crops to plant and in which place, do a good research on each one, to identify what its cycle is from sowing to harvest, so you will determine how long you will have the fruits and / or vegetables. After having everything in order, the preparation of the garden begins, the weeds are removed from the area, and all large stones and other foreign objects are removed from the ground before planting the seeds and the space is filled with compost or any solid organic fertilizer.

Once you have the soil ready for planting, it's time to start putting some seeds in the ground! buy or collect your seeds or seedlings (depending on the type of garden you want), if you are going to plant seeds, make sure you have enough soil and water for them to germinate correctly. if you are buying seedlings, make sure that they are healthy before planting them in your garden. For sowing, the appropriate distance in which they will be sown must be considered depending on the crop because they will need space to become mature plants without being piled up too much at the beginning when they are still small seedlings.

From the sowing process, the maintenance work begins, starting with maintaining the soil moisture especially during the first days to provide the necessary conditions for the seeds to start the germination process, from there the waterings can be carried out with longer time intervals, they also begin with crop diagnostics to verify that they are not attacked by some pest insect or have some disease, it can also be fertilized with organic products to guarantee availability of nutrients and of course organic matter that decomposes progressively.

Final considerations
Dear readers, to establish a vegetable garden it is important that this place has good ventilation, direct sunlight and is not exposed to excess moisture, we must also make sure that the soil is not too compact. Preparing organic fertilizers will make it possible to create a substrate that can support healthy plant growth once the seeds have sprouted or the seedlings have grown into full-sized plants.

Bibliographic references
  • Casanova, E. (2013). Manual of initiation to the urban garden. BAUHAUS.


growing something can be very rewarding. I currently do not have any vacant plot of land so I use the terrace to grow stuff on my terrace.

Hi @thetimetravelerz, it seems very good to me that you grow some of your food, space is not a limitation to be able to sow, since it can be done in pots.

Thank you for your comment, tell us about your crops, have an excellent week.

I really love the idea of growing things at home, I was speaking to my friend about starting a little farm but that will definitely be when I get my own house, as there is no space for such in the rented space I live for now. You are really doing a great job.

Hi @gbenga, I'm glad you are encouraged to grow your own food, it's comforting to harvest even a tomato to prepare food, I hope you also have many successes, have an excellent week.

Love this but not possiblefor people like me. We are living in crowded city and we have lack of space so we can't build small farm but obviously we can use plastic box but that is still not good like small farm. Anyway such a fantastic post. keep on..

Hi @luckyali, despite living in a city you can have other alternatives to sow as you mention in plastic pots and in places where the sun can reach there is the possibility that the plants develop very well.

So long, have a great week.