My personal economy based on the decentralized economy of the blockchain.

in Project HOPE3 months ago

Greetings to all readers of this great platform, especially to those who make life within the great community of #ProjectHOPE, in this present opportunity I want to talk a little about a personal topic, of course based on the blockchain economy and my life experiences with it, plus the way it has changed my life, and how I have had to learn along the way, sometimes after making mistakes, but this is a fundamental part of learning.

Screenshot taken at: PixaBay

I am sure that many of us have come to the blockchain mainly because of some economic problem, with which we begin to try new things in our lives that allow us to give a big turn to this situation, personally that happened to me and I know that many other people also happens to them this, and others come because they have great economic resources and study the situation which they see as a great investment opportunity.

Well, whatever your reason for coming to the blockchain and this decentralized economy, over time you realize the amount of solutions that this can generate in our lives and how it benefits when you learn correctly, the truth is that it ends up being a constant learning of the market, projects, opportunities, but we must always keep in mind that we must learn every day.

Already after more than 2 years in this economy I have a better knowledge, in spite of this we are facing a market moment which I lived only once, because I have only seen a bull market in my time here, I also saw what is considered as the worst bear market of all times, and we managed to survive it, because here we are still looking for ways to improve the situation, so we can say that we managed to learn.

It is a reality that our economy can revolve around the decentralized economy, as long as we have to invest and we know what we are doing, in some occasions I really lost a lot of money in investment projects with which I did not evaluate the risk correctly and ended up in trouble, but those are stages to learn, we must always keep in mind the best option and evaluate the situation before risking money, it is a fundamental part in the economy and business, as well as in the blockchain.

All the images used by the Author @Chucho27 are Public Domain, in each one of them you can find the source of the image.

The image used in the banner at the bottom is by the author @chucho27, made using the Canva application.

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