Success Is Hard: Take Advantage Of It

in Project HOPE2 months ago


Becoming successful is hard, and that's what you should take advantage of - because nowadays there are so many people who just want the easy life. They don't want to do anything difficult. Thus, working hard becomes your super talent, and instantly sets you apart from people who don't work hard.

Thoman Edison was famous for saying, "Talent is 1% inspiration, and 99% perspiration." But people don't seem to understand what he was meaning. Thomas Edison meant that if you want to be successful in life, you need to take action and break sweat; and not sit down idly waiting for inspiration.

What most people don't realize is that taking action and working hard continuously, is what sets the super successful people aside from the rest of the population. You need to put in abnormal hours of working time, if you aim to make an abnormally big amount of income.

It's 99% about sweat, and physical exertion of energy to your work. There's a great need to cut back on leisure time, and time you spend watching movies and playing videos games - that don't help you create more wealth for yourself and your family in the long run.

Many people want it to be easy. But the fact that it's hard is what you should be excited about - because 99% of people don't want to put in the work. The most successful people tend to put in 12 to 18 hours work days. And that's above 80 hours work weeks, and that's just how success is achieved.

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