Education / The satisfaction of the fulfilled goal.

in Project HOPE2 years ago
This week that passed was the object of many celebrations in every school and college in Venezuela, because the school year ended successfully for some and defeat for others for not meeting the passing grades to reach the next grade and the completion of the school stage.

However, many of the children and young people celebrated with their representatives, teachers and classmates in the traditional farewell caravans of the school year, some will be the last time to be able to share with their school friends, since some leave for other cities or schools.

But what is more important is that culminated a year very atypical in their lives, because it was a new beginning product of the pandemic that had many questions for the educational development both at the management level, as at the family level, since at the beginning of the year was not clear how serious the celebration of this very important time, and only for their lives, you only live once.

These are moments of great joy, but also of sadness for not having some friends, colleagues, family and teachers who lost their lives in these disastrous years that we had to live, but who were very important people in our educational process leaving a lasting mark over time.

Meanwhile, the memories of all the effort made from home also arrive, of each of the classmates and friends who at some point supported us with some activity, with the best wishes to contribute to learning for a better future./div>

Without a doubt, it is not the end, it is only a step achieved until I have a profession that I travel with a lot of effort since it was not clear how its culmination would be, a product of the pandemic that left a lot of disappointment in humanity, but that allowed the family to be more united and contribute directly to the education of their children.

There remains the satisfaction of the goal achieved after going through that path full of many difficulties and leaving a teaching, that everything that is done in a family union will always be overcome.


Hi @dgalan, I share your joy and satisfaction to see how the youth manages to reach one more step of the long ladder they have to climb in search of their great purposes in life.

With many stumbles and in the previous years they are reaping the fruits of their great efforts in life and to be part of that great formation throughout their lives is truly priceless.

Greetings @sidalim88
Yes it is correct with a lot of sacrifice they all reached the finish line, no doubt that the times to come should be better,

Hello dear friend @dgalan, despite the difficulties the school year was successfully completed, there were many celebrations and satisfactions from us parents, despite there still being some sequels of covid we are already preparing for the next school year.

See you later brother, have a great week.

Greetings @amestyj
Despite all the difficulties the best thing to do is to be willing to go ahead for the education of your children which is transcendental for their future ,

Hello @dgalan, The continuity of the already precarious educational process in Venezuela was greatly affected by the pandemic, to the point that many teachers have now abandoned schools. But it filled me with a lot of optimism to see many graduations and school promotions this year, from kindergarten to high school, somehow everything possible is being done to get back on track with education in the country, this is a fundamental basis that can't be lost

Greetings @tocho2
You are right, with many shortcomings and stumbles education and graduations went ahead, no doubt that there is much to correct for the welfare of the country.

Well, To me, living in a country like Nigeria, Education will continue to be priceless. This article further made me go down memory lane to when I was still a Basic school pupil. Going to school was pure joy, and whenever the session ends, the party and celebration that follows are always priceless. Thanks for the write-up.

Greetings @lebey1
There is no doubt that education is fundamental and transcendental for a country, despite all the difficulties and setbacks, we were able to move forward and as you mention, the joy of those unforgettable moments.
Thank you very much for your comments

My pleasure

Hi @dgalan The important thing is to teach our children to celebrate achievements, not tarnish or obscure those moments with the misfortune experienced, show them the way forward, a profession is no longer a benchmark for earning money, but it is certainly a way to acquire thinking skills, prioritize options. and integrate as a human being, long live Venezuelan children and young people, especially those who are still in the country, greetings, good pos

Greetings @aplausos
It is very true, the value of education above all difficulties is invaluable and is what we must rescue from these times.
Thank you very much for your comments

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