Knowing about philosophy

in Project HOPE3 days ago
Greetings to all colleagues, today I share for those who do not know the philosophy which is a subject that has helped many people in their day to day, to improve as a person.



When we do not know the philosophy, our perception of life is usually limited to what we experience in our day to day life. We live automatically, fulfilling our responsibilities and looking for happiness in material things or personal relationships. We let ourselves be carried away by the emotions of the moment without questioning ourselves beyond the obvious.

However, when we delve into philosophy, we begin to question and reflect on the meaning and purpose of life. We ask existential questions and seek answers that help us understand our place in the world and our relationships with others.

It invites us to think critically and analytically, to explore different schools of thought and to question our beliefs and prejudices. It helps us to develop a deeper and more meaningful vision of life, to appreciate the beauty of the world around us and to find meaning in moments of confusion and difficulty.

As a conclusion, philosophy provides us with tools to live more consciously and fully, helps us find answers to our deepest questions and enriches our life experience. Therefore, even if we do not have a formal knowledge of philosophy, we can always reflect on our existence and seek a better understanding of ourselves and the world around us.


Philosophy is really a great thing that can be learnt and this is actually the beginning. We can begin to see more and more of this manifesting and this is actually the beginning. Just that we need to start understanding how the world moves

Very true, my friend. We normally have philosophical principles, but because of bad decisions, we suffer the consequences and that is why our world has not been able to have technological progress, but rather in the attitude of today's youth.

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