Don't look for the answer to the most common questions

in Project HOPE4 months ago
Greetings to all fellow Steemit members, today I share this short story where we see the importance of not looking for the answers to the most common questions, but simply living your life being at peace with yourself and being free of any bondage.


Once upon a time there was a young man named Mateo who had always been very impulsive and emotional. He did not know how to control his emotions and used to overreact to adverse situations. One day, his grandfather, who was a wise and quiet man, spoke to him about stoicism and taught him to practice the philosophy of being unperturbed by life's circumstances.

Matthew decided to follow his grandfather's advice and began to practice the Stoic philosophy in his day-to-day life. Instead of being driven by his emotions, he learned to remain calm and think before he acted. He made an effort to control his impulses and reactions, and little by little he began to notice an improvement in his emotional well-being.

Over time, Mateo became a more balanced and calm person. He discovered that he could face life's challenges with serenity and strength, without getting carried away by anger or sadness. He learned to accept things as they were and to find inner peace in the midst of adversity.

Thanks to the practice of stoicism, Mateo became an example to others, demonstrating that it is possible to live a full and happy life, regardless of external circumstances. He felt in harmony with himself and the world around him, enjoying every moment with gratitude and serenity.

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