Financial Mistakes You are Possibly Making

in Project HOPE19 days ago (edited)

It is a good thing that, we have constantly learned about how to make money and how we can easily manage our finances. However, learning about the possible mistakes we make in how we handle finances is something we ignore easily and it shouldn't be.


Financial mistakes can happen to anyone at any time, forget that you could be a financial pro, it doesn't concern anyone, but you can also be a complete beginner in these matters of finances and you are still affected. When mistakes happen like this, it could result in missed opportunities. However, it is never too late to bounce back and avoid them totally so they do not happen again.

Through this post, I hope to share with you some money mistakes you may be making at the moment, and how you can get to correct them and save your finances from a lifelong pattern of financial stress.

** You have no budget or you have a sloppy one**: A common financial mistake is when you neglect to set a budget or you maintain a realistic budget. A budget functions as a financial compass for your business, as it guides you appropriately towards certain life achievements such as; debt reduction, the purchase of a new home, and even that much-desired trip.

It is however not good enough to just set a budget, as a budget is only as effective as the budget you put in. Let's say you create a budget at the beginning of the year but you never bother to track your day-to-day expenses, it is going to be a complete waste of time at the end of the day.

If your budget on the other hand, never leaves room for occasional shopping trips or taking the family out, it may be impossible to stick with the budget. You need to create time to carry out a financial audit to strengthen your budget.


In your budget, set aside 50% for your basic needs like healthcare, feeding, and transportation. Set aside 30% for your wants like entertainment and others, then put 20% into savings, investments, and repayment of debt. Make these percentages very flexible and add to your savings when you can.

You do not have a strong emergency fund: When you have not been able to build a strong emergency fund, you are on the verge of getting into debt again, and that is the reason why experts recommend constant contribution to your emergency fund.

Not making comparisons while shopping: Some people simply stick to whatever price they get from a particular marketer without doing any form of market comparison which is highly important. Get different price options and make do with the most favorable one of them all.

Slacking with monthly bills: Staying on top of your game with payments of monthly bills is important, whether it is your house rent or electricity bill, you will be able to stay clear of late fees and other accruable charges. Also when you pay your bills on time, your name will be cleared on th portal of credit bureaus.

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