Controlling Your Thoughts

in Project HOPE3 months ago

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There's a popular saying, "As a man thinks, so he is." So many schools of thought have accepted that this saying is a reality. Because if a man thinks of himself as a loser, a loser he is. And if a man thinks of himself as a winner, a winner he is.

When you observe life very closely, you'll start to see that what separates the winners from the losers in life, is usually how they think. The winners have learned to think positive thoughts, and think only about the dreams and wishes that they want to accomplish in life.

But the losers in life, always focus on the things that they lack. They focus on their inadequacies, and fail to think positive thoughts about their future. Imagine a person who instead of making use of the good things that he has working for him, is still complaining about the things that he doesn't have.

Another thing is the thoughts of limitations. The poorer people and average people don't think of abundance, they always have a scarcity mentality. And instead of thriving for a life, where they get all that they ever wanted; they narrow themselves to living a life that is very limited.

This goes back to the famous saying that, "If a man wants to change his life, he must first change the way he thinks." And what it really takes - is becoming more optimistic as a person. And think of yourself as a winner in life, and that you'll achieve all your goals in life.

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