Disrespectful Customers Should Be Handled Properly.

in Project HOPE3 years ago

As a start- up entrepreneur, it is highly tempting to believe that we need to do everything within and beyond our power to please every customer that walks through the door, while it might be a very good strategy to maintain a good customer relationship, we also need to be very careful about the things that we permit.

As expected, we are going to have different types of customers, some are going to be highly respectful and understanding while others might be rude and disrespectful but irrespective of the shape and format with which they show up, we need to realize that it is our responsibility to respect them and show that we are good at maintaining a good customer relationship.


Personally, it has been easy for me to handle rude customers because of my ability to display a very calm nature irrespective of what you bring to the table, I always make sure that I portray high level of discipline when it comes to interacting with customers and I tell my staff that on no occasion are we allowed to raise our voices at customers but when I notice a customer is over stepping his or her boundary, I know how to calmly handle the situation.

Realizing that sometimes you need to lose some customers is one of the greatest realization that I have obtained, I try my possible best to keep every customer that walks through the door but I understand better that not everyone is to be kept especially when that customer does not show any sign of respect for you or your business.

I had to tolerate a few things in my early days in business because I thought tolerating those things was going to help me gain more customers and so I allowed so many things to happen including customers who choose to become highly disrespectful. There was this particular customer who found it as a regular habit to litter the business premises whenever he came to make purchases, even with a waste bin right in front of him he felt it was his right to litter the whole place and it was my responsibility to clean up the mess as the business owner according to him, I tolerated this act of indiscipline simply because I wanted to gain customers desperately but at some point I just knew that certain things had to change.

The change occurred the day he came to make certain purchases and he claimed he did not have money to pay for those items and I did not have the right to question him because he has always been a good customer, I politely told him that I do not run business in that manner, he had to pay for whatever he was taking and it had to be an immediate payment, he tried to raise his voice with claims that I do not know how to keep a customer, I smiled and told him that customers like you are impossible to please and selling out my stocks without getting payment is no good way to sustain a customer for me.

He stormed out angrily and I felt a little bit bad because I knew I had lost one of my customers but I had tolerated enough of his disrespectful attitude and I just couldn’t handle it anymore, asking for stocks without payment in a disrespectful manner is even more annoying and I just had to show him the door. This was a painful realization but it also made me know that even in business, toxic people needs to be showed the way out in order for the business to flourish.

Thanks for reading my story, feel free to share your experience with me and support in form of upvotes will also be appreciated, have a great day and stay beautiful.


Hello @oluwatobiloba
Experience is gained from this kind of situations you raise, it is necessary to assume them and learn from them. People, and our relationship with them, can be the greatest source of learning that we can find.
Luckily you have learned to handle those uncomfortable situations, and you should know that they will always be part of every business.

Yeah you are right, I am glad I know better now. Thanks for reading

Hello friend, the truth is that I have never agreed that the customer is always right, I have been an employee and I know perfectly well the discomfort that we must bring many times not to make the customer feel bad or for nothing to lose a sale. I think we should make ourselves respected in the best way but we are all human beings and we deserve respect.

That's correct friend, some customers can get extremely rude and we must learn how to put them in their place and make them realize that we all deserve respect.

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