Factors that will never go out of style in education


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Hello friends, I hope you are all feeling great and that at the same time you find this post interesting to read.

Education is a complex process in several senses, since we educate without being educators and we learn without being students, therefore education is an act that is present in all areas of our lives, we never stop learning or teaching.

Now, the purpose of this post is to show you a set of reflections associated with some phrases that are inspiring in the fact of continuing constantly learning and teaching, then let's analyze the following phrases:

  • Education is an infinite act.

As I mentioned before, education contemplates the act of teaching and learning, when we correct our children in their childhood we are teaching, when we understand something it is because we have learned it, different aspects of life make us conclude that we never stop teaching and learning.

  • To teach is to learn indefinitely.

As educators we must be aware that we need to be updated, which leads us to research and learn different topics that help us to make our classes more interesting, in that same role of facilitator of knowledge we also learn from the interaction we have with the student. The conclusion of the case is that while we teach we never stop learning.

I conclude by saying that within education there must be teachers who convert through their teaching the difficult into easy, in this way the student will see education as an easy tool for their constant growth.


Hi @sandracarrascal, thanks for sharing this excellent topic with us.

Educating for life is essential at every moment of our lives, that is why as educators we must be in continuous training with the sole purpose of providing contextualized learning from their social perspectives.


Greetings @sandracarrascal I agree with you when you state that education is an infinite act since we never stop learning, as well as daily we teach something different.

Valuable delivery. Greetings

To teach is to learn indefinitely.

I agree with you completely on this. I've found that when you teach, you cement your own knowledge on the subject. Teaching definitely helps you learn more. Thanks for sharing!

I consider teaching as one of the most impactful act on earth, instilling knowledge unto people is really a selfless act and I don’t think teachers are being paid enough. Anyways, we all become teachers at some point in our lives, either as parents or older siblings.

To teach is definitely to learn more, while most schools are currently on strike in my country , it is expected that we forget a lot of things, I do all I can to ensure that I try to teach young people in my neighborhood whose parents may not be able to afford extra lessons, even if I am not being paid for my service, I know that it is a way ti get my brain refreshed and even learn more new things everyday while I add to my society in my own way.

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