The art of flowing with life
To flow with life is to give acceptance to the goods and failures, to flow with life is to accept ourselves as we are, but above all to flow with life is that for nothing in the world we can be at odds with it.
Why go against the current?
To deny is not good for nothing, in fact I have not yet met the first human being who does better in life by denying it, that is why we must simply take care only to control the aspects that do allow a management or self-control, for that in life that does not depend on us it is better to let it flow.
When we learn to recognize the problems that have no solution within the possibilities we have to manage it, is when we really focus all our energies on what we can really solve, because that's life, life shows us all the sides available, we just have to know how to choose.
It is important that we do not misinterpret the term acceptance, because one thing is to fall and get up again and keep fighting to achieve our goals, and another thing is to fight against the current, because there are times when we want to solve problems that do not depend on our management, and it is best to let it flow, that does not mean that we have stopped fighting.
If we are going to fight against the current, we must fight in the same direction in which life goes, learning from mistakes, letting go of what does not depend on us, but above all living in the glory of our purposes.