in Project HOPE3 years ago

Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image. Source:

Hello dear members of the @ProjectHOPE, today I want to share with you some wounds that in one way or another mark us during the first years of life and which are quite difficult to overcome.

There are some activities that we experience during childhood and that in a certain way leave an indelible mark on us and with which we carry all the time to such an extent that it affects us on a daily basis. The problem lies in the negative effects that they can cause in the course of our lives, so it is recommended to simply take it as bad experiences so that in this way we can heal those old wounds. Throughout my life I have been able to listen to different opinions on the matter, where the most outstanding ones indicate that these activities can become psychological traumas that affect our social and family development and that turn out to be an obstacle in everything that we propose.


It is the set of emotions and reactions that we can experience in a negative way and that affects our childhood for long periods of time, bringing as a consequence serious consequences in our personality that can affect us until we reach adulthood. Some of the most common traumas experienced during the first years of life can be: humiliation, abandonment, rejection, betrayal and injustice.

Public domain image. Extracted from:

1. Humiliation: this is part of one of the most common negative emotions in childhood, because some parents tend to be overprotective to such an extent that they end up causing serious consequences in their children, totally forgetting the need to socialize with members of their environment, which ends up causing such trauma.

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2. Abandonment: this is another of the most common cases, because in different parts of the world there is evidence of abandonment of children by their parents, so they end up growing up without that love and affection so essential for their emotional development, resulting in them being fearful and insecure people and lacking their own judgment in making decisions, a situation that may affect future generations if not addressed in time.

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3. Rejection: this emotion usually occurs during gestation or the first year of life, and although it can be due to many reasons, I do not believe that at present there is such a strong reason not to love such a defenseless being. This situation can result in low self-esteem accompanied by a feeling of guilt and they do not like to interact with people around them.

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4. Betrayal: children who go through this bitter experience, experience absolute distrust, are insecure and do not let others perform their activities for fear that nothing goes well, they tend to become somewhat manipulative and perfectionist adults, as they strive hard to get what they want without measuring their limitations.

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5. Injustice: these are children who go through activities that present them with disloyalty and as a consequence grow up being individualistic, do not trust third parties, are rigid in their feelings and do not usually ask for help even when they need it.

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These childhood traumas can occur by any activity outside ourselves even when we are in the stage of gestation, hence the importance of the mother from the time of pregnancy to show all the time their love and affection to the baby otherwise in its development can grow with any of the above mentioned sequelae. Some of the most important cases are those experienced at a very early age, because at this stage we lack the necessary maturity to be able to process the information and deal with it in the best way so the consequences tend to be more serious.

The great task comes in the set of strategies and tools that we must apply in order to overcome these stages of our lives that have been traumatic, understanding that this is already part of the past and that even when they leave a great mark on us we must have the maturity and confidence necessary to learn to live with this bitter experience that more than harming us is an obstacle for our future life.


Heras, Mónica. (2022). Do you know the 5 childhood emotional wounds that mark your life?. Source:


Greetings @sidalim88 entertaining reading that you share with us, no doubt these traumas can be of different nature, as you explain in the material that we socialize, hence these traumas should be treated early and prevent them from becoming a major problem.


Hello @sidalim88
I think these traumas you comment are very common, too many to tell the truth. And they mark people in a way that may always be present in their life. And that they deserve psychological treatment even to be able to solve what they have been dragging since childhood. Some even tend to. Use that as a kind of shield, or cause to justify some negative points in them.