Hello dear readers who remain active in this your home @ProjectHOPE, this time the topic that concerns us is related to those environmental factors that sometimes have a direct relationship with our emotions.
We all want absolute happiness and that life is surrounded by joy, pleasant moments, family sharing and other details, but there are situations that are around us that affect our tranquility causing an emotional imbalance and bringing with it the sadness, worries, irritability that are difficult to avoid so in the following section the goal is to prevent these actions rob you of peace and emotional independence.

Independent emotions is a job that keeps a very close relationship with your autonomy, in other words, you must put your priorities above all else and not let what other people say or think keep you away from your goals. This situation also applies to love, when you have a partner there must be communication and trust to discuss your concerns and together find the best strategy to solve the problem without affecting either of you. Love your neighbor without losing the essence of mutual and sincere love. Here are some tips that can help you to be a person with stable emotions.
1. Work on yourself: you must learn to be a very disciplined person and make your own decisions without allowing others to influence you. Take some time alone where you can think and meditate on the things that concern you, how you feel and what you may need?

You must learn to listen to your inner self, if you have read well we all have that inner voice that sometimes tells you what to do with your life. Do not let others tell you how or what can make you happy and much less to solve your life, create your space of harmony so that in a mature way you can interact with yourself and get your positive emotions.
2. Face your own fears: it is normal that throughout life we are afraid of something and one of the fundamental steps to achieve emotional independence is to be brave and take the challenge of overcoming your own fears, no one is perfect and in our attempts we can fail, the real challenge is not to fade and get up again, You may receive criticism from others for not meeting their expectations, but remember that what you want to like is for yourself and not for others, your friendships are chosen by you and no one else, do not be influenced to change your appearance or careers by the people around you, it is your welfare that should be a priority above all.

3. Do not let the emotions of others disturb you: sometimes when we do some teamwork we all must fulfill certain roles and if someone does not comply with it, the designated activity will not be perfectly, which is why you must learn not to let the emotions of others steal your peace of mind, if you fulfilled your responsibility you should feel satisfied for being a committed person, do not feel bad for another enjoy your success without reaching the point of self-centeredness.

4. Your happiness is your responsibility: do not expect others to bring you happiness at the door of your house, you yourself are in charge of making your day to day life enjoyable, build your own positive emotions, enjoy life and do not give more importance than necessary to the adversities of life, remember nothing you gain by worrying and not taking care, on the contrary if you activate yourself and put into practice your action plan you will reap good fruits.
5. That your motivation is intrinsic: Avoid clinging to other people to seek happiness, it is best that your motivation is something natural and does not depend on other people, because when they are not you are the one who will pay the consequences, your days will be gray and sadness will embitter your life, although it is difficult to let go of someone you love but does not contribute to your personal growth the healthiest thing is to let go. Keep in mind that you are a beautiful person with great capabilities that can achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Remember that in the search for emotional stability, you should not isolate yourself from other people and much less fall into the grave error of being selfish and unempathetic. Relating with others is necessary in society, since this favors the physical and mental health of any individual.
When you do not let the factors of your environment influence your emotions you reach a full freedom and it can be indicated that you are ready to help others in a healthy way, you live your life without negative emotions such as sadness or worries that are normal in the day to day, but you will certainly know how to deal with them and get out of them in the best way.
Sanz, Elena. (2022). Being emotionally independent: keys to achieve it. Source:

I think it's we who can control our emotions and feelings at any point of time and there has to be enough control over it so that no other person can do it for us.
Hi @sidalim88, very good tips you raise to avoid that external factors alter our tranquility, there are many difficult situations to handle from which we can not get away, however, knowing our emotions and how to manage them we can solve any situation without subjecting ourselves to much emotional stress.