in Project HOPE3 years ago

Cover image by @sidalim88, using public domain image. Source:

Greetings dear members that make life in this prestigious platform @ProjectHOPE, in this opportunity I would like to share with you some tips for those who in this new year want to find their soul mate.

The search for true love is one of the most difficult tasks we can face in life, because sometimes we do not choose the right person and end up with a broken heart, no doubt this affects us in all areas of our lives to such an extent that we get frustrated and come to think that love is not made for us. I believe that at this point in our lives we should make a self-evaluation and determine with it what are those mistakes we have made in that search that day after day is further away from reality.

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One of the main mistakes we tend to make is to look for the famous prince charming that only exists in fairy tales, soap operas or romantic movies like Titanic, who has not shed a tear with this film lacks sensitivity or common sense and that person who has not yet seen it, I invite you to do so, because in the real world if we can find someone who meets our expectations of life and above all to love us and make us feel loved like no one else, but anyway returning to the subject that concerns us in this development I will indicate certain tips that will help you find the true and unique love in this new year.

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1. Show your true personality: when we think we find that special person, the first thing to do is not to try to be someone different from yourself, because the ideal is that they fall in love with you as you are, with all your virtues and defects, because if you show the opposite is already a good reason for your relationship is prone to failure, because they have not really fallen in love with you but with someone else.

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2. Choose a person who is compatible with you: in this sense you should look for that person who shares your tastes and pleasures, remember that you are looking for the love of your life and if you choose someone who does not share your same interests, this will probably end up being an obstacle that will eventually make your relationship end.

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3. Don't be so demanding in your search: by this I mean try to look for a person who can meet your expectations and if you don't find one, be flexible and give someone a chance to show you that he/she can make you happy.

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4. Do not get frustrated: do not give up in the selection of your true love, because sometimes we lose hope and believe that we are going to be alone for the rest of our lives, remember that you live in a big and populated world and your better half can be just around the corner, you just have to learn to look for that best option.

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5. Show your love: keep in mind that if you have found your better half, the work does not end there, on the contrary, it has just begun, because you must remember that love is like a garden, if you do not water it, its flowers wither and therefore, if you do not cultivate love, no matter how big it is, the flame ends up fading.

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6. Do not look for a prince charming: as I mentioned before, princes charming and soap opera princes do not exist, you must learn to have an open mind and more in this world where stereotypes are so marked. The unique happiness does not exist in every relationship there are certain differences that can be overcome and solved.

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We live in a world made up of millions and millions of people who have a large number of personalities and some must be coupled to your requirements, the most important thing is that in this search you do not suffer and you can give the best of you at all times, enjoying above all the company of your partner who surely will be the better half that we seek so much.

Until next time, dear readers, do you already have your better half? Did you have a hard time looking for it, I would like you to please share your experiences with me. Blessings.


González Juárez, Sara. (2022). 6 keys to find true love. Source:

Ribot, Montserrat. (2016). The 7 keys to finding love... And make it last. Source:


Hello @sidalim88!
Certainly finding the person who accompanies us on the path of life sometimes does not seem very easy, however you have to be willing to meet people, share to know each other until you feel that you find the right person, do not obsess and show themselves as they are, the rest will be given then until you manage to define the relationship, when you find your soul mate everything flows by itself.

Hello friend @sidalim88.

Getting our soul mate is something complex, since it is difficult to get a person with your same tastes, culture, ideology will always be something that is not compatible, we always have to be clear and communicative with our partner so that later do not have conflicts, where there is trust and communication, respect there is love.

Greetings @sidalim88, from my point of view if the approach of each aspect is already synonymous with demand, so we would get frustrated because the person with whom we want to be does not meet our expectations, so it is just let love flow and this will determine in which direction the relationship we decide to raise would go.

Entertaining reading. Regards

Hi @sidalim88

I need first to get a space where to plant an orange plant, then harvest and see if the sweet and pleasant taste to the palate tastes like true love hehehehe, thanks for socializing these tips, certainly the ideal is to weigh in a balance virtues and defects.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings @ sidalim88
No doubt that getting the better half or soul mate seems complicated at times but it is up to us not to do it, because as you move it we put on masks of those we are not, and we do not do it to please, but we do not show ourselves, after some time come conflicts, because we were not clear and sincere.
Thank you for sharing

In any circumstances or pain we find ourselves in trying to look for real love let try and move on there are thousands of people out there ready to love us so if this partner fails let not believe that is the end or fail to look elsewhere for love.

Relationship issues are usually not so easy, after finding one, maintaining it is even more difficult. However, understanding and commitment are strong factors that will help the relationship blossom.