How To Turn Your Hobby Into A Steady Stream Of Income

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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While some might be very lucky in finding a job that is their hobby and so they enjoy doing, others might not. Then you need to make your hobby into a steady stream of income yourself. A hobby is something you enjoy i.e which you find joy and fulfilment in, for example baking, web design, drawing, painting, crocheting and others. Your hobbies can me monetized as long as they have applications and use in the society. To make it into a successful business you have to put lots of time and effort into it.

To monetize your hobby you need a plan, a blueprint of what you intend to do with your hobby. With a plan it's easier to take steps and focus because you have a goal to reach. Your plans include your financial projections, your sales and marketing strategies, what your products and services are, figuring your customers or clients, how you intend to reach them, your prices and many more. By doing this you are developing strategies for your business, think of it a map for your business.

You may start to worry if your hobby can really take care of your bills full time or not. Perhaps you are worried people might not fancy it that much. It wouldn't be smart to drop your current job without first making sure your hobby will be profitable anyway. You can start it as a side hustle instead, even though you might not be able to give it the time and effort it truly needs, you will be financially safe. By making it a side hustle you can watch it's progress, cash flow and predict how it will do in the next one or two years. This predictions will help you decide if you should drop your job and go into your hobby full time or wait for a couple more years.

Next you need to build your brand because a good brand is the fairy of a business, it will help you get the recognition you need as well as make your business more valuable. You need to figure the right name for your business, the right logo as well as the right colors to convey your brand.

The next thing to do is figure your finances out. It might be your business but you have to separate your personal account from your business account so you don't go bankrupt before you even start. Set up a business account and make sure you are as professional as possible. Your business needs as much financial support it can get and so it's important that you cut down on unnecessary expenses as well. You may not have enjoyed your job but now you are turning your hobby into a business and to make it work you have to be professional and invest as much time and effort as well. Treat it as a job in which if you don't deliver you would be fired. You need to be ready to go the extra mile, invest extra effort, work hard and think outside the box.

Finally you need to establish your online presence. Most people buy online these days and so it's important that your business is in that space as well. Create your website and social media pages, make sure you are creating attractive as well as interesting contents about your business. You can also pay for ads if you can afford it.


Greetings @valchiz, no doubt planning and projecting our hobby for economic purposes needs time and above all clear objectives of the leap we want, once achieved this only we would offer an optimal service to society according to the demands of this. Thank you for your contribution

I kind of like the point you bring out here that

It wouldn't be smart to drop your current job without first making sure your hobby will be profitable anyway. You can start it as a side hustle instead.

Many people don't understand this and lose both opportunity to finance their self and still go on with the plan to monetize their hobby.
Thank you.

Great lesson, thanks for shearing this idea.

Good evening, excellent: turning a hobby into a business. I'm doing it as a sideline and it's giving me good results. To improve, yes I should heed your recommendation to establish a brand and invest in advertising. Thank you very much.

Amazing insights... Turning your hobby into a business can be one of the best things because you are doing what you love and have passion for and at the same time, earning income from it.

It is amazing to be lucky and work with your hobby, but it is more amazing if you try to find the best way to make your hobby your work, business and investment too since there is nothing better than self-investing, right?

Thanks for sharing with us, great blog.

Hello friend, excellent idea, I think that doing what we like is the best, and if we can generate income is much better. I think many people are in a job they don't like and spend the worst hours of their life, that is a job of necessity. So looking for a way to be independent or to do something we like is the best option. Greetings!

Well, turning you hobby into a job often kills your hobby. You get a job you like, but you loose your hobby. After doing something for 8 years a day, you will not come home to do the same thing just for fun.

Having our hobby bring us a reasonable amount of income is always an exciting experience that we must all look to make, thanks for the helpful tips buddy