Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends? "

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago

influence children.png

edited By Canva

How does a father have a strong influence on children?

In my view, a father's influence on his children extends to various aspects of their lives. I believe that the father, as a role model, shapes his children's worldview by transmitting fundamental values and skills. Personally, I feel that a father's emotional involvement creates a safe and stable environment thus establishing the foundation for the child's emotional and social development.

I believe that every father makes a unique contribution to the lives of his children, influencing their growth in distinctive ways. My own experiences lead me to affirm that the personality of the father, his educational choices and his level of involvement determine the nature of this influence. I see that present and involved fathers can instill a feeling of trust, love and security in their children thus creating a framework conducive to their development.

In my personal experience, every interaction, every shared moment, helps shape my perception of my father and influence my own growth. I believe that this impact is not only limited to explicit teachings, but also arises from the daily example that the father provides through his actions, reactions and life choices.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

From my personal perspective a mother's influence on her children is undoubtedly significant. I firmly believe that mothers play a crucial role in the lives of their children often acting as the essential emotional pillar of the family. For me the mother's ability to provide emotional and unconditional support creates an environment conducive to the emotional and social development of the child.

Personally, I am convinced that the mother-child relationship has a profound influence on the child's self perception and self-confidence. My own experiences lead me to believe that the way my mother raised me had a direct impact on my understanding of my own abilities and worth as an individual. The emotional security my mother provided helped build my resilience and ability to face life s challenges.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?

As a teacher, I am acutely aware of the significant educational power I hold. In my opinion, my role goes beyond the simple transmission of knowledge; I am an intellectual and moral guide who shapes the perspective of the world of the children I teach. Personally, I firmly believe that my impact on their lives goes beyond academic learning and extends to stimulating their passion for knowledge and encouraging their personal growth.

I am convinced that caring and inspiring teachers can positively influence children's educational journey. By cultivating a positive learning environment and demonstrating a sincere commitment to their development, I can foster a passion for learning in my students. My goal is to go beyond textbooks by encouraging curiosity, creativity and critical thinking, essential elements for their intellectual development.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

For me, brothers and sisters hold a particular influence on the development of children. Sibling relationships act as unique social laboratories and providing constant opportunities for social learning. Personally, I am convinced that these connections contribute in an essential way to the acquisition of essential social and emotional skills, every interaction with my siblings is a personal experience having a distinct impact on my growth and well being.

I believe sibling relationships create a dynamic space where children learn to share, negotiate, and make emotional connections. Each of my experiences with my siblings has left a unique imprint on my personality. Moments of collaboration and conflict have shaped my understanding of human relationships, providing me with invaluable lessons about communication and conflict resolution.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?

From my personal perspective, the influence of friends on children is a crucial aspect of their social lives. I firmly believe that friends play a significant role in influencing children's choices, behaviors and attitudes and I can attest to this through my own experiences. Personally, I am convinced that friendships are formative, exerting a profound influence on the development of each child's personality.

I see that friends have the power to shape the values and social norms that children are exposed to. Through interactions with my own friends, I learned to appreciate diversity, develop empathy and embrace varied perspectives on life. Friendships have been a continuous source of learning for me, influencing not only my immediate choices, but also my long-term worldview.

Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @pelon53, @nahela, @steemdoctor1 to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,


Wow this is absolutely my mindset too concerning this particular topic 🤭
I'm glad someone shares my mindset....
Very educative and captivating
An interesting read actually

I look forward to more amazing content from you 🤭
Thank you

Thank you, friend!
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In my view, a father's influence on his children extends to many aspects of their lives. I believe that every father makes a unique contribution to the lives of his children, influencing their growth in unique ways. You are right. And you speak with logic. Actually every father loves his child very much. And the love of parents is the most precious. You love your child very much and mentioned it. Good luck to you @kouba01 brothar

Thanks for your thoughtful perspective. In fact, a father's influence is profound and multifaceted, shaping different aspects of their children's lives. Parental love is truly priceless and plays a crucial role in a child's development. I wish you all the best as well!

Personally, I feel that a father's emotional involvement creates a safe and stable environment, thus establishing the foundation for

I totally get that. Dads being emotionally there makes things safe for kids. It's like setting up a strong base for how they feel and relate to others.

I am convinced that caring and inspiring teachers can positively influence children's educational journey. By cultivating a positive learning environ

Totally agree! Teachers who care and make learning cool can really boost how kids grow. It's more than just books; it's about sparking a love for learning.

Friendships have been a continuous source of learning for me, influencing not only my immediate choices but also my long-ter

Absolutely true! Friends teach us tons. They shape not just what we do now but how we see the world in the long run. It's like a constant learning journey.

All the best

Thank you for this insight feedback my friend!

Estimado amigo. Es importante que como docente reconozcas la influencia que tiene sobre los estudiantes de esta manera mantendrá siempre un buen perfil frente a ellos. Así mismo me gusta la manera como estableces a la madre como influyente en la parte emocional y al padre como un patrón a seguir dado que los niños siempre se forman en base a los ejemplos más que a los sermones. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones

Ayah punya pengaruh kuat terhadap anak, seorang ayah punya peranan penting bagaimana membentuk karakter anak, mereka sebagai panutan untuk mencontoh perilaku mereka. Seorang ayah pasti akan membimbing dan mengajarkan nilai-nilai dan berkontribusi bagi perkembangan anak.

Salam.... Semoga anda selalu sukses dan berkah🙏

I always agree with you. It is the true reason in the society.

You have given a great explanation for the teacher have a strong influence on children. I can see that you are a great Teacher by profession. Therefore I think you have a great knowledge about it. No doubt about that.

For Sibling relationships you have mentioned your own opinions in a better way.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola amigo

Es increíble como las cualidades de un padre se complementan con las de una madre. Bien haz dicho que el padre brinda seguridad y además es una figura protectora, no solo se trata de dar consejos si no simplemente relacionarte diariamente con tu hijo mostrandole tu afecto.. Mientras que las madres son pilares emocionales capaces de construir una fortaleza mental y emocional que además será capaz de moldear la autoestima de un niño! fascinada con este concepto!

gracias por compartir
Dios te bendiga!

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