Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W6 - "What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

Hello everyone,
It's a great pleasure on my part to be among those taking part in this week's engagement challenge. It's the last week for the season 16 engagement and I'm happy to share my entry with you all.

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A very interesting topic to discuss with the title "What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?". I will share my opinion on this topic via the contest tips given below. So let's go ahead without further ado.

What happens if motor vehicles are banned around the world?

You will agree with me that one of the major sources of transportation in the world today is motor vehicles and the reason is not far-fetched, motor vehicle travels longer distances and are not too expensive as compared to flight.

Also, motor vehicles can carry as many people and goods as possible and it is used within and outside a country always. So people go for what is affordable, convenient, and reliable.


If motor vehicles are banned around the world, another alternative will be what people will sort out urgently because it has become a necessity that everyone can not do without.

So in my opinion, if motor vehicle is banned in the world today, an alternative to motor vehicles that people will seek and ensure they get so that they can continue with their day-to-day activities without inconveniencing themselves.

Will humans again seek the help of animals for transport?

Yes, humans may likely seek the help of animals for transport once again but this time, only those within the remote area will do that. The reason I said so is because those in town are already familiar with motor vehicles and going back to use animals won't be very easy for them.

Remember, before the coming of motor vehicles animals were used, and because they couldn't meet the requirements of man that was the main reason for more innovation which today brought about motor vehicles.


So in my opinion, those in the city may likely skirt other means of transportation instead. They will be in search of a transport means that will be fast, reliable, and the one that can carry much load because the movement of food and other items from one part of the country to the other at the moment is increasingly high and animals can't do that effectively.

How would our environment be without motor vehicles?

An environment without a motor vehicle I can't imagine. I came to life in an era where motor vehicles were in use already and assuming there was no motor vehicle at the moment, people would take much time to get to their various destinations, and most people may not be traveling regularly as they are doing now.

So the environment I guess would be filled with donkeys 🐴 and horses 🐎 because they would be the major means of transportation since we do not even have water in our area where we can use Canon as an alternative.

Unless there is another innovation that people will make use of but if there are no alternatives then I believe everyone will go back to having horses and donkeys and believe me the animals will be very expensive and only the rich or those with good money can afford one.

What will it be if humans invent any form of transportation other than the motor in the future?

Wow, humans may invent another means of transportation in the future other than motor vehicles and I'm sure of that. The reason I say so is that innovation has always been the part of a man and every day they seek to make things easier for the common man.


If such a time and period comes, humans as usual will abandon the motor vehicle and go to the innovations, and they will continue using it until a better one comes.

Recall that we all were using animals before the invention of motor vehicles and today we have abandoned animals even though a few still use them. The same thing will be applicable in the case of motor vehicles if another which better when it comes to the limelight.

I want finally invite a few friends of mine to also share their entries in this contest if they haven't done so. I call on @msharif, @waterjoe and @suboohi.


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

Los vehículos a motor se han vuelto imprescindibles para nuestras vidas a través de ellos se pueden trasladar grandes mercancías de un país a otro si llegase a ser prohibida la economía se vería afectado sin embargo también obtendríamos grandes ventajas porque los autos son los principales contaminantes del medio ambiente

Thanks for your wonderful comment

Creo que todos nos hemos vuelto dependientes de los vehículos a motor sin ellos las cosas sería muy difíciles sobretodo para llegar desde una ciudad a otra, y ni hablar a la hora de transportar los alimentos y trasladar a un enfermo
Por otro lado los animales se volverán un gran negocio y solo los privilegiados tendrán acceso a este medio
Le deseo mucha suerte en su participación

Thanks for your wonderful comment my dear friend.

Kendaraan bermotor memang paling efektif bagi kita untuk melakukan aktivitas kita dalam melakukan perjalanan. Lain hal jika kita menggunakan transportasi hewan seperti sapi, kuda dan keledai akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk sampai tujuan.

Salam semoga anda sukses 👌

You are right my friend, thanks for your comment on my post.

Hi friend

Since motors was invented, our means of transportation was made easy and faster. Waking up to another reality where motor vehicles are banned around the world will really take time for humans to adjust to the new change. Looking into this, it will place us to dwell on both the advantages and disadvantages either to; have an healthy environment without vehicles or slow down our movement with animals or non-technological means of transportation like bicycle.

You have nicely commented and I appreciate your contribution dear friend.


if motor vehicles are banned around the world, people will seek out alternative means of transportation such as animals for those in remote areas, while those in the city will look for faster, more efficient options. The environment would see a shift back to using animals for transport, leading to increased costs and potentially limiting travel. However, human innovation is likely to bring about new forms of transportation in the future, ultimately replacing motor vehicles just as they replaced animals in the past.

Thanks for your valuable comments on my post mam it is well appreciated.

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