Your favorite science subject

Hi, Steemians I do believe you are fine as I am. I appreciate @sahar78 and Steem for Pakistan for organising this contest titled: Your favorite science subject


Science subjects are considered to be very difficult and because of that, only a few people appreciate and study sciences. Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: Objective observation: Measurement and data (possibly although not necessarily using mathematics as a tool) Evidence.

Tell us about your favorite science subject along with one reason.


My best science subject is MATHEMATICS. My love for Mathematics began in my second year of senior class (SS2). It started when Mr. Hassan became my Mathematics teacher in that class all through to the end of my secondary school. Mr. Hassan has good mastery of the subject, he teaches very well, he gives a lot of exercise or assignments and he always charges us to meet him anytime we have challenging issues with the subject.

I became very close to Mr Hassan because I sourced questions on my own from textbooks, solved them and took them to him for the check. This I do constantly and that has allowed me to learn because he will check and make corrections were necessary and explain how I am supposed to approach the question.

In my final year in secondary school, I picked up very well in the subject and that made me represent my school twice in a mathematics quiz competition. My love for the subject also makes me study Bsc. Ed Mathematics(hons) In the university and today I am proudly a mathematics teacher at Mada Community Secondary School Andaha. Today I taught my students the application of the laws of the logarithm.


I appreciate you all for reading my article and I also want to invite my friends to participate:



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